[spectre] DA FACT newsletter, November 2011

Sophie Rotenberg sophie.rotenberg at dafact.com
Wed Nov 2 09:35:28 CET 2011

DA FACT newsletter | November 2011



If you can't see the newsletter below click here:

- Streamline project in Serbia: http://streamlineproject.blogspot.com/
Streamline project team, including karlax player Jean-Christophe Potvin,
will present HiddenSession #6 at MSUV of Novi Sad, on 5th November.

- DA FACT and new technologies at Intel Party:
DA FACT will introduce Karlax at the biannual party hosted by Intel in
Paris, on 15th November.

- Karlax and MAX/MSP at Ircam: http://forumnet.ircam.fr/
Jean Lochard and Tom Mays will present their work with Karlax and Max at the
Ircam Forum, on thursday, November 17th.

- Check out the video of the demonstration of Karlax:
Rémi Dury introduced Karlax for the HubForum at Espace Pierre Cardin in

- Tom Mays explains his work: http://vimeo.com/30555870
Check out the video. He presented his work with Karlax and Max before
leaving for the Cycling'74 expo.

- Rémi Dury was at Modularsquare meeting:
Rémi Dury introduced Karlax at the meeting hosted by MESI Store. Check out
the pictures.

- DA FACT showroom: http://www.dafact.com/lang-en/showroom.php
If you wish to discover and try Karlax, don't hesitate to contact us to make
an appointment.

Like Facebook page or subscribe to Twitter account of Karlax to be informed
about presentations and performances of the community.
- Karlax blog: http://www.karlax.com 
- Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Karlax/179489555407182
- Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/da_fact

DA FACT sponsored by Parrot

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