[spectre] D A S P R E C A R I A T: Call for Works

Andreas Maria Jacobs ajaco at xs4all.nl
Wed Sep 7 19:43:07 CEST 2011

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D A S    P R E C A R I A T   

The Precariat is the new proletariat, who will be the new Marx?

From an object oriented society towards a subject oriented society, from materiality to immateriality and vice versa.

Society bending by way of mis/re/ab/using  its underlying premisses, Society as a Burden and as a Blessing. A Neo-Brechtian collectiv theatrical internet performance, staged on your browser worlwide  

Das Prekariat is European artist Agam Andreas/Andreas Maria Jacobs and everyone who feels her/his opinion, remarks, writings, artworks are valuable assets in (re)gaining a world worthwhile living in  

Send your submissions to :  

frictionresearch5 at nictoglobe.com  

Planned publication date: Summer 2012   

Sent from my extended Body

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