[spectre] press release APREM Exploration #1

Chiara Passa chiarapassa at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 18:11:22 CEST 2012

Sorry for cross posting...

APREM/Exploration(s) #1 “The Labophone” will be held at the Fabrique
de Théâtre, in Frameries (128 rue de l'Industrie) – Belgium - from
26th to 28th April 2012, from 2:30pm to 10:00pm every day.

Program: http://www.aprem-exploration1.net/programme.html

 Website: http://www.aprem-exploration1.net/

APREM, standing for "Ateliers, Partage, Rencontres des Écritures en
Mutation" (“Workshops, Encounters, Sharing of Mutated Scripts”) and
Exploration for… exploration, is an experimental device.

Its purpose ? Make digital, scene and visual artists, scientists,
researchers, theoreticians working together, open up boundaries,
create and experiment, immediately exhibit to a public emancipated
from the requirement of a show-able result. Think and act in using the
scripting tools that allow to pick up current social realities.

APREM/Exploration(s) #1 will focus on the transformations induced by
the telephone since its invention: communication device, prosthesis,
IT exchange mean, the telephone has become an uncommon instrument for
our new scripts. Complete program is here (in French).

Free bus transportation is organized between Brussels and Frameries.
Translation between French and English will be provided on demand.

Bus reservations for the bus (compulsory) and for the three days
(preferred): aprem.explorations at gmail.com or on the web site.

A co-production Le Cri and La Panacée, Contemporary Art and Culture,
City of Montpellier in partnership with La Fabrique/Provincial Scene
Arts Department with the support of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation,
Digital Arts Commission, of the Scene Arts Centre and of Transcultures

Valérie Cordy

Chiara Passa
chiarapassa at gmail.com
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiara_Passa (Ita)
G+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/111456718123673932501/about

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