[spectre] Leonardo "Just Accepted"

Annick Bureaud bureaud at altern.org
Mon Aug 13 17:21:42 CEST 2012

Dear Spectrites,

Leonardo Journal is pleased to announce a new publication 
mechanism for rapid access to accepted articles called "Just 
Accepted" (no ... it is not a wedding announcement ... 
sorry, could not help ...)

As soon as an article is accepted for publication it will be 
posted in Leonardo "Just Accepted", about a year before 
appearance in the print Journal.
You'll find them here : 
http://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/leon/0/ja (scroll down 
the page to find them)

The first article Just Accepted is:
"Open Source Architecture: an Exploration of Source Code and 
Access in
Architectural Design" by Theodora Vardouli and Leah Buechley


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