[spectre] Eclectic Tech Carnival /ETC - 2012 Ljubljana - 6-10/march

Luka Prinčič // Nova deViator nova at deviator.si
Fri Mar 2 13:39:07 CET 2012

sorry for crossposting. please forward.

Eclectic Tech Carnival /ETC - 2012 Ljubljana - 6-10/mar

The Eclectic Tech Carnival is a gathering of women interested in open
source technology. Each carnival (usually annual) is organised by the
local group, with the support of the international network of women and
collectives. While the philosophy and themes are continued from
one /ETC to the next, each event has a distinct local flavour and
focuses on specific local needs and contexts. Women travel from all
over the world to participate, share skills and have cultural exchange.

The 12th edition in Ljubljana includes hands-on workshops on
solar-powered micro-devices, electro-magneto-sensing wearables and
having fun with computer hardware. It features presentations and a
round table about sustainable educational media-labs for women.
Ljubljana's /ETC is created in close collaboration between Red Dawns
festival and Cyberpipe.

++ programme --:

tue/6 + wed/7 10am-1pm
SOLAR 2-day workshop by Selena Savic (SRB/CH)

wed/7 + thu/8 3pm-6pm
KOERPERSPULE 2-day workshop by Sabrina Basten(D) and Audrey Samson(NL)

thu/8 + fri/9 10am-1pm
HARDWARE FUN 2-day workshop by Monika Pocrnjic (SLO)

fri/9 3pm-6pm
/ETC meetup - informal/networking/play time

sat/10 2pm-5pm
PRESENTATIONS by Natasa Musevic, Maja Kalogera (HR), 
Deborah Hustic (HR) and Audrey Samson (NL) 

sat/10 6pm
ROUND TABLE "Towards sustainable women-safe educational medialabs"
Deborah Hustic (HR), Reni Hofmueller (AT), Robertina Sebjanic (SI) 
moderated by Aileen Derieg (AT/US)

all events will be happening in Cyberpipe/Kiberpipa, 
Kersnikova 6, Ljubljana

13. international feminist and queer festival RED DAWNS (7-11/mar)
also features exhibitions, screenings, roundtables, concerts and
workshops: exhibition "Bring In Take Out Living Archive", video
exhibition with Adela Jušić (BiH), Micheline Durocher (CAN), Hypnagogy
by Bojana Rudovič Žvanut (SLO) and Maja Smrekar (SLO), Amy Oden (US):
From the Back of the Room (2011, 105′), Blockshot (D), Ludovik Material
(SLO), Jelena Petrović, Tanja Marković in Ana Vilenica, tUnE-yArDs (US),
Kiuriki (SLO), Red Min (e)d, Biljana Kašić (HR), Karen Mirza (GB), Ida
Hiršenfelder (SLO), Maruša Geymayer-Oblak, Meta Erženičnik, Tina
Janežič, Matic Bobnar, Jasmina Klanchar, Damjan Trbovc, Tanja Cirman,
Ana Čavić (SRB/VB), Sookee alias Quing (DE), EsRap (Esra Özmen) (AT),
House Wife (SLO), Becca ‘Ben’ Carbery (VB) workshop for drag kings,
Joko Ono (SLO), Drek u pest (SLO), DJane Tigresse, Damir Imamović (BiH)


http://rdecezore.org/ http://kiberpipa.org/

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