[spectre] Art.on.Wires Festival call for submissions of workshops, artworks and presentations.

Christian Jacquemin Christian.Jacquemin at free.fr
Tue Mar 20 10:24:29 CET 2012

The Art.on.Wires Festival is now looking for submissions of workshops, 
artworks and presentations.
Art.on.Wires is an annual arts and science festival for young and 
innovative artists, researchers and creative professionals who work in 
the fields of new media art, information technology, and communication 
design. From 30. April to 5. May 2012 we set up a temporary laboratory 
in Oslo, Norway with the aim of creating, exploring and researching 
emerging forms of artistic expression enabled by new media technology.

Interested individuals and groups can apply online to one or more of the 
following calls:


Artists and Artworks:

Workshop Proposals:

AOW Talks:

We are looking forward to your submission. Deadline is Saturday, March 
31 2012, 23:59h. All submissions are reviewed by a program committee and 
decisions will be announced on April 7, 2012.


Alexander Eichhorn                       http://simula.no/people/echa
Researcher, Simula Research Laboratory   phone: +47 47 489 182
P.O.Box 134, NO-1325 Lysaker, Norway     fax:   +47 67 828 201

Director, Art.on.Wires Society           http://art-on-wires.org
Schwensens Gate 4, NO-0170 Oslo, Norway

PGP Public Key: http://simula.no/~echa/AlexanderEichhorn.asc
Fingerprint: 9724 37D9 77AD AF99 65B6  E220 F540 E333 C9EC DC4F

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