[spectre] (( ~XLt~ )) Autumn Newsletter: CiTiZEN KiNO + CiTiZEN SOUP + OZ#23

podinski podska at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 11:37:24 CEST 2012

Dear Spectre + XLterrestrial friends,

Hope this finds you all well and flourishing in the autumn light !

We would like to inform you about the new and recent ~XLt~ projects :

1. CiTiZEN KiNO (#18) : Economic Hoodoo - premiere ( Berlin )
2. CiTiZEN SOUP ! Now Available ! Every Weds. at Kugelbahn ( Berlin )
3. XLterrestrials in Otherzine #23 ( SF Other Cinema )

""Europe is becoming a ferocious MATHEMATICAL entity... The systemic
impoverishment of social life is imposed by the logic of debt
repayment . What actually is debt? Is it a metaphysical inescapable
necessity ? No, debt is an act of language, a promise. The
transformation of the debt into an absolute necessity is an effect of
the Neoliberal religion, which is leading the contemporary world
towards barbarism and social devastation."
from Franco 'Bifo' Berardi + Allesandro Sarti's "RUN Morphogenesis"

Following our participation with the "ANd ANd ANd" project at dOCUMENTA13,
the XLterrestrials wish to follow up on a number of inspiring discussions
we had there regarding the rise of engaged new art forms, which are
responding to the urgency of multiple social crises.

And we begin with the theme of Economic Meltdown and Strangleholds... but
more importantly we attempt to provide an outlook for communities to
navigate and thrive collectively outside and beyond them.

AND if you are in Berlin, we cordially invite you to the premiere of
CiTiZEN KiNO (#18): Economic Hoodoo, which will tour the various
neighborhoods of the Btropolis, where we collaborate with a number of small
businesses, local venues and citizens of the "Kiez" !

THIS Thurs., Oct. 18th is the opening show at Z-BAR in Berlin Mitte, at

More information below. We hope you can join us !

liebegreetz !

Podinski and the XLterrestrials


The XLt projects:

1. CiTiZEN KiNO (#18) : Economic Hoodoo

full txt + links here:

premiere THIS Thurs.
18.10.2012 : C-KiNO #18, at Z-Bar, 21:00h
Bergstr. 2, 10115 Berlin

5 euro suggested, No One Turned Away (for lack of funds ) - NOTA

[ Note: we are still booking dates for these events, which are not limited
to Germany, so wherever you are, please contact us if you would like to
host or support us: pod at XLterrestrials.org ]


2. CiTiZEN SOUP ! Now Available !

full txt + links here:

EVERY Weds. Nite
CiTiZEN SOUP at KugelBahn, Wedding, 20:00h
Grüntaler Str. 51 • Berlin-Wedding
S-Bhf. Bornholmer Str., Tram M13 & 54

Cinema begins Oct. 17th !
Cinema + Voku begins Oct. 30th !

An ALL NEW tactical cinema night + Volksküche ( Voku ) in Berlin, at the
extraordinary bowling alley /cafe/bar/venue in Wedding.

As we gather films on the economic dilemmas. We have gathered an abundance
of material, which cannot possibly fit into one show. So we are going to
use the CiTiZEN SOUP nights to screen all the overflow.., and feature
films in their entirety.

So, the theme of This Month at Kugelbahn is: Let’s Play Bank !
See link above for upcoming film schedule.
And please send us your recommendations for Economies theme.

Donate, 3 euro suggested, NOTA

re-planted anywhere), and we are looking for participants, partners,
sponsors, volunteers !

Contact us or come ANY weds, and see what we're up to !


3. XLterrestrials in Otherzine ( from the legendary Other Cinema in SF )

This Fall season we are featured in OtherZine #23 !!

Explore the Sci-fi / So-fi origins and trajectory of our work:

"Globalistas Crack the Firewalls and Flat Screens"
by Podrescu and the XLterrestrials



arts + praxis organisms

twitter: podinski

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