[spectre] "The Open Future" - Digicult special publication for MCD magazine

Redazione Digicult redazione at digicult.it
Fri Sep 21 14:18:25 CEST 2012

Sorry for any crosspostings

Digicult presents:

A Digicult special publication in partnership with MCD Magazine, Paris
The open culture revolution applied to internet, society, audiovisual,
music, architecture, design & science


Chief Editor Invited: Marco Mancuso
Editorial Editor: Anne-Cécile Warms
Chief Editor: Laurent Diouf

Section Curators (selected authors from Digicult Network): Bertram Niessen
(internet & society), Claudia D'Alonzo & Marco Mancuso (video &
audiovideo), Elena Biserna (music & sound), Sabina Barcucci (design &
architecture), Alessandro Delfanti (art & science)

Invited Guests: Lev Manovich, Michel Bauwens, Steve Kurtz (CAE), Kenneth
Goldsmith, Adam Ardvisson, Marc Fornes, Joanna Demers, Norbert Palz, Geert
Lovink, Daniel Dendra, Julien Ottavi (Apo33), Mattin, Eric Deibel, Marc
Dusselier, Sara Tocchetti, Sonia Campanini, Luciano Palumbo, Pasquale

Marco Mancuso & Bertram Niessen will present the publication at the next
Open World Forum 2012
For more informations about the publication, please contact:
redazione at digicult.it


The time we are living is the stage for continuous transformations in the
ways we think about art, science, design and culture. It's a time of
collaboration and sharing. The progressive de-institutionalization of the
forms of production, management and consumption of material and immaterial
goods brought by new technologies is reshaping the way we conceive culture,
giving more importance to bottom-up taxonomies of reality and questioning
traditional powers, thanks to unforeseen paths of change.

Some of the keywords that are going to be crucial in mass developments
during the next years are already known, because they are the ones that
have shaped, addressed and influenced cutting-edge practices and
communities in the last decade.

Computational design is becoming a disruptive approach to define a
methodological, conceptual, and technical set of instruments to
re-materialize complexity in the physical world. Digital manufacturing -
the practice to directly produce customized material goods and
architectural elements -  is going to reshape the buildings and cities in
which we live.

The rise of open collaboration in science will blur the boundaries between
scientific experts and lay citizens: a problem of power and a
transformation of science expert epistemology. The walls of science’s ivory
towers are not firm anymore, and citizens are more and more commenting,
discussing, deliberating and producing scientific knowledge. Do-It-Yourself
science is going to revolutionise the relationships between nature and
culture as we know them.

The multiplicity of information ecologies (and the consequent fragmentation
of values and symbolic systems) suggests that we are entering a phase that
calls for the ability of letting meanings and practices emerge from
complexity itself, questioning the ideology of individual creativity and
evaluating in a new way the social innovation nurtured by peer-to-peer
networks. New communities will arise, the existent ones will be strengthen
and they will search for new forms of organization and communication.
Traditional knowledge hierarchies will increasingly shift toward
folksonomies: user-driven ways to connect elements of reality. Digital
commons - free and open source kinds of production and distribution
phenomena - will expand their influence on the cultural and artistic
practices in a broad sense.

Digital technologies, free software and open platforms will standardize and
extend the processes of sound experimentation established in the second
half of the 20th century, setting the stage for broader and collective
sharing and collaboration that redefine the ways as well as the formal and
institutional frames for music and sound production, distribution and

It's clear that such phenomena are already acting, both horizontally and
vertically. Horizontally, they are blurring the boundaries between
different fields and disciplines, merging methodologies, languages, tacit
and explicit know-hows. Vertically, they are affecting the distinction
between “high”, academic approaches and “low”, ingenue ones. This
cross-pollination creates enthusiasms and skepticisms at the same time. On
the one hand it's perceived as an unforeseen expansion that will led to
continuous innovation. On the other hand it's seen as a menace for
stability, quality and fairness.

This monographic issue will explore this panorama according to six curators
specialized in five different fields. Firstly, Bertram Niessen will
investigate the social ambiguity of digital creativity, the chances given
by bottom-up co-production and the challenges offered by web-based
practices of creative sharing. Secondly, Claudia D’Alonzo and Marco Mancuso
will focus on the changes taking place in relation to creation practice,
dissemination and fruition of audio-visual artistic contents. Thirdly,
 Elena Biserna will provide an overview on musical artistic practices and,
at the same time, show the significance of this scenario in the sphere of
cultural and everyday practices. Fourth, Sabina Barcucci will investigate
reasons, state of the art and developments of the relationships between
design, education and complexity, looking at new cognitive forms as the
output of such phenomenon. Finally, Alessandro Delfanti will examine the
problem of the transformation of science expert epistemology, focusing on
the political, artistic and cultural dimensions of biohacking and DIYbio.


Digimag Journal
Digimag has changed, from a Magazine it has been changed in a scientific
Journal. The Call for papers closed the last end of August. More than 20
papers have been collected. A good successes for a newcome Journal. We are
now completing the selections and we will be out the next half-end of
October. More informations will follow

Digicult Publishing
The next 1st of October, the new Digicult Publishing platform will be
lanuched. Born with the aim to follow digital and paper publication of the
Digimag magazine past issues, it will focus on the publication of the new
Digimag Journal & special publications developed with international
partners. We invite you to follow the new Digicult Online Store (developed
with Flows - http://www.flows.tv/digicultshop), the Online Library (on
Issue http://issuu.c- om/digicultlibrary) and the Digicult Editions (on
Lulu - http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/digiculteditions)

Digicult Agency
The Digicult art agency is coming back. After a break during 2011 and 2012,
the digital art & design agency is coming back with a new bunch of artists,
designers, critics, curators, professionals and comunication tools for
media partnerships and social networking. We are now completing all
presentation files and contracts and we will launch the Agency the next 1st
of October. More informations will follow


Marco Mancuso
Digital Art, Design & Culture
Digicult Director | Critic, Curator and Professor
Largo Murani 4, 20133, Milan (Italy)
Mob. +39.340.8371816 | Skype. Sostakovich
<http://www.digicult.it/digimag> <http://www.marcomancuso.net/>
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