[spectre] PageRank#CMdc01B

 - edited by Mauro Ceolin, Claudio Musso - published by Digicult Editions

Redazione Digicult redazione at digicult.it
Thu Feb 21 11:21:26 CET 2013

Digicult Editions presents:

Mauro Ceolin

Edited by Mauro Ceolin, Claudio Musso
Published by Digicult Editions: "Artists' Book Series"


The first book published by the new born Digicult Editions, within the
"Artists0 Book Series", has the double function of collecting and continue
the experience PageRank#CMdc born on the occasion of an interview between
the two curators published on Digimag magazine (the past version of the new
Digimag Journal) published by Digicult.

PageRank # CMdc represents a new stage of contemporaryNaturalism, the
project with which Mauro Ceolin intended to build a line of research that
has the ability to incorporate a variety of discourses, languages and
meta-languages. Since 2006, in fact, built a path in progress based on the
logics of the catalog and archive to highlight the existence of a biology
of the contemporary imagery.

The action is developed in three phases: prologue, performance,
documentation. The first phase called PageRank#CMdcU_video, it is
configured as the fusion of the promotional launch, the request for
participation and dissemination of the operation of the vehicle in a single
product: a viral video. The work stands as a manifesto of the artist’s
research and as a means of explanation. The visual path was born as a
direct reaction to stimuli from the textual component that places the
artist has translated illustrate it through a process of analogical
correspondences. The second phase was condensed in a performance in two
acts: a time dedicated to the collection of topographic information, visual
and sound and a public lecture organized as "dialogue illustrated".

As the video, even the conversation between the artist and the curator is
presented as a compendium of research, the inputs and insights offered by
the development of the project. On the one hand a path through the streets
of Udine during which have been identified specific suggestions that have
been used as aggregators thematic during the discussion. The third and
final phase (the book you are reading) documentation of the work consists
of heterogeneous material (interviews, notes, email, photographs, images,
etc..) enclosed in a publication. This volume contains the documentation
for all phases of the project, including an interview with Mauro Ceolin by
Pau Waelder and an unpublished text by Claudio Musso.


Digicult Editions has the goal to be active in the publication of the
Digimag Journal, critical and theoretical essays commissioned to
international authors, university theses of special interest, publications
edited in collaboration with other national and international publishers,
as well as peer-reviewed publications with institutional partners.

Previous Publications:
Digimag 73: Issue 73 / Autumn 2012

Digimag Journal is a new interdisciplinary peer-reviewed online
publication, seeking high-standard articles and reviews at the intersection
between digital art and contemporary art production, the impact of the last
technological and scientific developments on modern society, economy,
design, communication and third millennium creativity. -
<http://www.digicult.it/digimag> <http://www.marcomancuso.net/>
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