[spectre] (ᴳ̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇litch) Art Genealogies- Opening- Saturday 16.03.2013 – 20.00- LEAP, Berlin

LEAP info at leapknecht.de
Wed Mar 13 13:53:34 CET 2013

(ᴳ̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̐litch) Art Genealogies

Opening:    Saturday 16. March 2013, 20.00

Exhibition: 19.03.-23.03., 14:00-20:00 Tue-Sat

Facebook Event<http://www.facebook.com/events/432211753531895/permalink/432211756865228/?notif_t=like>

with works by

Kim Asendorf <http://kimasendorf.com/>,  Nick Briz <http://nickbriz.com/>,
 jonCates <http://systemsapproach.net/>, Kevin
Bill Etra by Anton Marini,  Emilio
, Jodi <http://wwwwwwwww.jodi.org/>, Nick Kegeyan<http://www.nickkegeyan.com/>,
 Alex Myers, Phil Morton <https://vimeo.com/59089360>,  Rosa
 A Bill Miller <http://www.master-list2000.com/abillmiller/>,  Brenna
 no_carrier <http://no-carrier.com/>,  noteNdo <http://notendo.com/>,  Julian
Oliver <http://julianoliver.com/>,  Sabrina Ratté <http://sabrinaratte.com/>,
 jon.satrom <http://jonsatrom.com/>,  Rick Silva <http://ricksilva.net/>,  Miyö
Van Stenis <http://miyovanstenis.com/CV.html>

Genealogy is the study of lines of descent and origin; the development of
families and the tracing of their lineages and history. (glitch) Art
however, does not exist as a linear history or as some kind of glitch
continuum. Following Foucault, the aim of a genealogy here is not to
analyse a subjects history from a singular perspective or to try to form a
narrative where one event impacts on the next, but to recognise the
complexities and processes of its many affiliated histories.

(glitch) Art does not follow this traditional forking family tree-form.
Rather there are many, parallel, interconnected non-linear, fragmented and
overlapping histories which impact each other in many directions. This
(glitch) genealogy does not focus on Glitch Art from as singular viewpoint,
nor does it attempt to give some all encompassing overview. The exhibition
instead focuses on the different threads that interconnect generations of
the different communities of visual (glitch) artists and their working
methods, conceptual themes and problematics.

(glitch) Genealogies fragments Glitch history into multiple (historical)
categories, such as ‘NES-Aesthetics’, ‘GUI Politics’, ‘literacy’,
‘Authorship’ and ‘3D glitch Reality’.

In discussing the issue of Glitch genealogies our aim is not to create a
historical review or (re)create a ‘total’ archive or inclusive overview, we
look at these genealogies with the aim of understanding Glitch Art in the

Curated by Kim Asendorf, Daniel Franke, John McKiernan and Rosa Menkman


Lab for Electronic Arts and Performance
(Berlin Carré 1. floor)
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13
10178 Berlin

info at leapknecht.de

Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/leap.berlin> |
 | Flickr <http://www.flickr.com/photos/leapberlin/sets/> | Vimeo
 | SoundCloud <http://soundcloud.com/leap-berlin> | HOW TO FIND
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