[spectre] (fwd) BIENNALEONLINE 2013, online biennial exhibition of contemporary art

Simon Biggs simon at littlepig.org.uk
Tue Mar 19 17:54:58 CET 2013

Oh dear

So we start to see the gate-keepers of the mainstream art-world begin to invade online art-space. I wonder what percentage of the artists they select will actually be those who work with online media as core to their practice.



On 19 Mar 2013, at 16:02, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:

> (fwd)
> BiennaleOnline is the first curated, exclusively online biennial exhibition of contemporary art.
> Leading international curators select the 175 most promising artists at a critical moment, when they are poised to become established artists.
> http://www.artplus.com
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Simon Biggs
simon at littlepig.org.uk
http://www.littlepig.org.uk @SimonBiggsUK http://amazon.com/author/simonbiggs

s.biggs at ed.ac.uk Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh

http://www.eca.ac.uk/circle/  http://www.elmcip.net/  http://www.movingtargets.org.uk/  http://designinaction.com/
MSc by Research in Interdisciplinary Creative Practices

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