[spectre] New on Turbulence.org

Turbulence.org turbulence at turbulence.org
Mon Sep 2 23:14:46 CEST 2013

New on Turbulence.org
September 3, 2013

1. Turbulence Commission: "Constellations Over Playas" by Joseph Moore and Stephanie Vella
2. Turbulence Spotlight: "MUPS" by Jhave
3. Turbulence Spotlight: "Slide Stories" by Annette Weintraub

1. "Constellations Over Playas" by Joseph Moore and Stephanie Vella

Since 2003 the United States has enacted simulated terrorist attacks against the abandoned mining town, Playas, New Mexico. "Constellations Over Playas" proposes that we look at this place as an imaginary stage for the dramatization and repetition of collective traumas, a stage where the recreation of the past is used to control the future. "Constellations" generates iterations of associative networks pulled from the source material the artists have accumulated on their journeys through the area, providing an ephemeral travelogue through the colonial, material, military, imaginary, and cinematic trails that intersect with their investigations of Playas.

"Constellations Over Playas" is a 2013 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. for its Turbulence website. It was funded by the Jerome Foundation. Additional funding was received from the Research Foundation of the City University of New York. Special Thanks to the staff of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center for their hospitality and knowledge.


JOSEPH MOORE is an artist and Assistant Professor of Art at the City College of New York. His work investigates topics such as perception, interpretation, and similarity. He has exhibited as a solo artist and in collaboration with the collectives ShiftSpace.org and Future Archaeology in venues such as The New Museum, SFMOMA, STUK Kunstencentrum in Leuven, Eastern Bloc in Quebec, and other venues. He is a graduate of The Atlanta College of Art and Bennington College.

STEPHANIE VELLA is a PhD student in Theatre at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York where she researches European theatrical modernism and its engagement with spatial, temporal, and racial otherness in primitivism, classicism, and orientalism. She is also the Artistic Director of the collaborative performance ensemble, Impossible Bottle. She has previously studied at Bennington College, the Moscow Art Theatre, and Brooklyn College.

2. "MUPS" by Jhave

"MUPS (MashUPs)" is an online sonic mashup engine specifically designed to allow spoken-word poetry mp3s to interweave simultaneously as if a group of performers were speaking together. MUPS has been seeded with MUPS 1260 audio poems from the PennSound archives; it can play up to 32 streams simultaneously. In spite of the playful tone of the introduction, MUPS is intended as a digital augmentation in the study of prosody. As computational analysis advances it is feasible to foresee cultural heritage archives such as PennSound operating as sites where digital tools permit innovative explorations into the evolution of poetics.

JHAVE is a digital-poet who teaches in the School of Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong. His work focuses on combinatorial poetics, and multimedia poetry. He exhibits and performs kinetic multimedia spoken-screen lecture-poems internationally. Since 1999, he has published language-art online (not paper) at www.glia.ca.

3. "Slide Stories" by Annette Weintraub
[For desktop, iPad or iPhone]

"Slide Stories" is a moving mediation through a City in which physical space collapses into surface incident and erodes the boundaries of real and simulated space. As Henri Lefebvre writes, "the space of a (social) order is hidden in the order of space."

ANNETTE WEINTRAUB works with architecture as visual language and the symbolism of space. She is interested in the poetics of space and focuses upon the changing urban landscape, the disappearance of public space, and she examines how our sense of place shapes emotion and action. "Slide Stories" is a continuation of her work embedding narrative in urban space.

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