Lanfranco Aceti lanfranco.aceti at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 09:48:38 CEST 2013


Opening Reception: Thursday, September 5, 6pm to 9pm. Exhibition:
September 6 to October 6.

Boston Cyberarts Gallery

Leonardo Electronic Almanac – in conjunction with Operational and
Curatorial Research – and Boston Cyberarts are pleased to present
Mathematical Rhymes – an exploration of art-making practices based in
algorithmic and mathematical systems that translate into generative
forms of moving image media.

The exhibition pairs some of the earliest artworks dealing with the
aesthetics of code and the structure of the computer screen with
contemporary artists working with the visual and aural effects of
computer data and networked technologies. By showcasing influential
historical predecessors identified with the beginnings of computer art
(Stephen Beck, Manfred Mohr, Lillian Schwartz and Stan VanDerBeek)
alongside leading contemporary experimental media artists (Ryoichi
Kurokawa, Yoshi Sodeoka and Casey Reas),Mathematical Rhymes promotes
an expansive view of the procedural logic and imaginary that
characterizes the aesthetic program of generative art.

International Curatoriate: Lanfranco Aceti (Executive
Curator/Editor-in-Chief, LEA), Vince Dziekan (Senior Curator, LEA),
Meredith Hoy and Kris Paulsen (Guest Curators/Editors) and George
Fifield (Director, Boston Cyberarts).


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