[spectre] PhD stipend

Søren Pold pold at cavi.au.dk
Tue Aug 26 09:42:51 CEST 2014

Fully financed PhD stipends with the world's next best salary and a great cross-disciplinary research environment. Possible to apply with projects related to participation in both art, aesthetics, design and HCI, e.g. recursive publics, criticial perspectives to smart cities, interface criticism and participation, etc. etc. Contact me/us for further questions and councelling. Please spread!
Søren Pold
Lektor (Ass. Prof.), Ph.d.
Informationsvidenskab & Digital Design
DAC Katrinebjerg
Aarhus Universitet
Helsingforsgade 14
DK-8200 Aarhus N

Chair of the Research Program Humans & IT
Participatory Information Technology

Office: Wiener 224
**** NEW EMAIL**** pold at cavi.au.dk
(+45) 871 61994
skype: soerenpold
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