[spectre] New podcast: INTERRUPTIONS #16. Curated by Dave Phillips.

Radio Web MACBA rwm2008 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 21 12:42:53 CET 2014

New podcast: INTERRUPTIONS #16. On duration: silence is unavailable, please
buy time or switch dimensions.

Curated by Dave Phillips.

A mix that manages to cram in over three hundred tracks, opening with
Napalm Death and closing with Hanatarash (both bold statements!), is
obviously something more than just a collection of musical snippets. Simply
stunning for its unapproachable character, the crudeness of its content and
the brilliance of its execution, Dave Phillips' sonic jigsaw puzzle is a
true assault on the senses that reflects on extreme durations in music and
our relationship with the

temporality of sound.

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/curatorial/dave-phillips-on-duration/capsula

PDF: http://rwm.macba.cat/uploads/20140220/16Interruptions_eng.pdf

You can find the complete series here:

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