[spectre] break up Europe-Russia commercial and geopolitical integration

heath bunting heathbunting at irational.org
Sat Jul 26 16:48:54 CEST 2014

the United States of America Empire (USAE) is an unlawful superstate 
entity and as such has no lawful means to maintain itself

USAE is an organised crime network and must perform crime on a superstate 
level just to continue

other actors such as russia, ukraine, the european union are all lawfully 
constituted and therefore are not compelled to perform criminal actions to 
further their existence

for these reasons, its almost certain that the USAE downed flight MH17 and 
is also behind all other superstate level crimes against humanity eg gaza

humanity can either objectify and legalise the USAE, thus opening up 
lawful avenues for it to operate, or dismantle it asap

personally, i believe we should campaign for the legalisation of the USAE


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