[spectre] V2_ Newsletter September 2014

Arie A arie at v2.nl
Fri Sep 5 09:32:49 CEST 2014

V2_ Newsletter September 2014


In September V2_ presents the work of young artists who did a Summer
Sessions residency in July and August. On September 11 the artists
will demonstrate their works live at the Test_Lab Summer Sessions. If
you somehow can’t make it to V2_ that evening, the works will be on
view during the following weekend as well when the Festival of the
Witte de With neighbourhood takes over Rotterdam. Apart from the
exhibition, V2_ participates with presentations and workshops that
focus on the recycling of plastic. There’s also a new e-book: The Iron

Test_Lab: Summer Sessions 2014
11 September 2014
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam
Every year, V2_ invites a small group of up-and-coming artists to
spend their summer at V2_Lab for an intense short-term residency.
During these so-called Summer Sessions, the selected artists are given
the opportunity to develop an artwork in close collaboration with
V2_'s expert developers, curators and project managers. This year’s
Summer Sessions welcomed five artists and one artist-duo into V2_Lab
to realize new art projects. By holding the Summer Sessions
residencies in parallel, V2_ aims to promote a creative synergy
between the selected artists. The outcome of this process will be
presented during Test_Lab: Summer Sessions 2014. In the Test_Lab
tradition, the projects will be demonstrated live and the audience
will be invited to ‘test’ the artworks hands-on. Demonstrations: Iris
& Cedar (CN) | Chi Po-Hao (TW) | Juan Salas Carreño (PE) | Niklas Adam
(NO) | Joseph Hughes (UK) | Maarten Hunink (NL) Introductions:
Michelle Kasprzak (CA/NL) | Boris Debackere (BE) | Jan Misker (NL) |
Michel van Dartel (NL).

V2_ Participates in the Festival WWWk
12–14 September
Witte de Withstreet, Rotterdam
The festival ‘the Wereld van het Witte de With kwartier’ (WWWk) is a
city festival for cutting edge art and culture programmed by the art
institutes in the neighbourhood of the Witte de Withstreet in
Rotterdam. The festival WWWk opens the cultural season of Rotterdam.
For three full days the neighbourhood will brim with culture, artistic
innovation, culture and social activities! V2_ is taking part in the
festival with the exhibition of the Summer Sessions projects, but also
with presentations by Melle Smets and Ruben Jacobs, and a workshop in
recycling plastic in which you learn to use plastic cups to print 3D
objects. Check the website for more information and time schedule.
Festival: v2.nl/events/festival-wwwk-2014
Presentations: v2.nl/events/v2_-kunstblock-presentations-at-festival-wwwk
Workshops: v2.nl/events/perpetual-plastic and
Check out the full programme on the festival's website: festivalwwwk.nl

Exhibition Summer Sessions 2014
12–14 September 2014
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam
As part of Festival de Wereld van het Witte de Withkwartier, V2_
Institute for the Unstable Media presents new work by Iris & Cedar
(CN), Chi Po-Hao (TW), Juan Salas Carreño (PE), Niklas Adam (NO),
Joseph Hughes (UK), and Maarten Hunink (NL). The work is the result of
the 2014 Summer Sessions residencies. Exhibited together the artworks
provide a unique global cross-section of emerging media artists’
practices today.
Opening times:
September 12: 17:00 – 23:00h
September 13: 12:00 – 23:00h
September 14: 12:00 – 18:00h
Free entrance, donations are welcome.

Just Out: The Iron Ring
V2_ presents a new e-book.
In 2013 Cecilia Jonsson presented The Iron Ring for which she had done
research at V2_ during a Summer Sessions residency. Now there’s an
e-book on the project with an extensive visual essay by Cecilia
Jonsson reporting on the seven steps that were required to create an
iron ring out of 24kg of grass harvested from the acidic river banks
of a landscape in Spain severely transformed by opencast mining. James
Jackson Griffith, who participated in Jonsson’s preliminary research
on mining restoration in Brazil, discusses The Iron Ring from an
environmental-philosophical perspective. You can download the e-book
(epub) for free at v2.nl/publishing/the-iron-ring.

Vertigo System in Shanghai
The Chronus Art Center in Shanghai presents the Summer Sessions
residency project of Máté Pacsika.
On the 24th of September 2014 the Chronus Art Center in Shanghai
presents Vertigo System. Vertigo System is the Summer Sessions
residency project of Máté Pacsika. It is a new work based on the
automatization of a cinematographic technique called Dolly Zoom, or
Vertigo Effect named after Hitchcocks movie from 1958. Máté Pacsika
transferred the effect into a realtime process, which unsettles the

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