[spectre] Call for papers: Art Mattters II

Pau Alsina palsinag at uoc.edu
Thu Aug 13 11:39:33 CEST 2015

Call for papers open for the second part of the Special Section on “*Art
Matters*” to be published in Artnodes Journal.

Artnodes is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal published since 2002 by the
Open University of Catalonia that comes twice a year, in June and November.

We invite authors to submit their original research papers of no more than
5,000 words in English, Spanish or Catalan. Papers should be both
well-argued and thought-provoking and offer substantial contributions to
current research.

The second part of the issue will be published in November and we accept
articles until the 1st of September 2015. We strongly recommend checking
the journal’s author guidelines before submitting an article.

The materials and technologies of the contemporary art invite us to
reconsider, not only the role that these play in the articulation of
artistic practices, but also the theoretical frameworks that demonstrate
the role of the materiality itself inside the Art History. These premises
involve new methodological challenges and important epistemological
transformations in the examination of art; challenges that must be
analysed, discussed and contrasted with the long and fertile tradition of
Art Studies. Fundamental problems such as the distribution of the agencies
involved in the research and the artistic practice, the lines of temporal
causality, the interconnection between materialities and discursivities,
the role of technology and society, the spatiality and location of Art,
gain relevance from the suggested challenges.

This Special Section of Artnodes Journal welcomes those researches that
rebuild the relation between art and its materiality: contributions focused
on theoretical, methodological and epistemological reconsiderations and,
specially, empirical studies centered on art routines and infrastructures.
Perspectives such as Media Archaeology, the Actor-Network Theory or the New
Materialisms contribute decisively to the possibility of blurring or even
erasing preconceived ontological distinctions –inoperative today-,
traditionally supported by the framework of our modernity.

More info here:




Dr. Pau Alsina

Professor dels Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
http://www.uoc.edu <http://arts-humanitats.uoc.edu>

Director d'Artnodes
Revista d'art, ciència i tecnologia

(+34) 93 254 (2176) | palsinag at uoc.edu
Av. Tibidabo 39-43. Barcelona 08035
Blog personal: http://paualsina.wordpress.com
Twitter: @paualsina <http://twitter.com/#%21/paualsina>

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