[spectre] international CALL re: "Biodiversity/Extinction" art exhibition, NYC

Paul Brown paul at paul-brown.com
Thu Jul 2 01:28:00 CEST 2015


"SCIENCE INSPIRES ART: Biodiversity/Extinction"
the 17th international art-sci juried exhibition
organized by Art & Science Collaborations, Inc.(ASCI)
October 10, 2015 – February 28, 2016
at the New York Hall of Science

Today we are learning the importance of the conservation of Earth’s biodiversity for more than its innate beauty, capacity to inspire art, and to lift our spirits. It is acknowledged by scientists and even governments around the world, as the key indicator of the health of our planet’s ecosystems. And, a rich biodiversity underpins ecosystem “services” (such as recycling of nutrients, purifying water, removing carbon dioxide and adding oxygen to our atmosphere, and sustaining habitat for animals and organisms like trees, and seeds that produce food), all essential for human sustainability on our beautiful planet.

This exhibition will demonstrate the wide diversity of visual tropes that today’s artists are employing to reflect upon the crisis of biodiversity loss and species extinction. We are seeking 2D images of original art executed in any media. 

Elizabeth Corr, the Manager of Art Partnerships at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC); and Dr. Paula J. Ehrlich, the President & CEO of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation.

DETAILS:  http://www.asci.org/artikel1417.html 
DEADLINE:  July 23, 2015

Cynthia Pannucci, Founder/Director
Art & Science Collaborations, Inc.(ASCI)
27-years serving the international art-science field

Paul Brown
http://www.paul-brown.com == http://www.brown-and-son.com
UK Mobile +44 (0)794 104 8228
Skype paul-g-brown
Honorary Visiting Professor - Sussex University

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