[spectre] RiDE Special Issue CfP: Responding to Intermediality

Maria Chatzichristodoulou M.Chatzichristodoulou at hull.ac.uk
Sun Mar 8 22:16:34 CET 2015

Dear All

a reminder that the deadline for the RiDE (Research in Drama Education: the Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance) special issue: Responding to Intermediality: How applied theatre and drama education engage with new intermedial forms,  is on the 1st of April.

Please note that we are looking for a range of responses, including practitioner accounts, as well as academic papers.

Please see here for more information:


Please send 250-400 word abstracts (depending on the nature of your submission).

Don't hesitate to contact me if you need further info.

All best wishes

Dr Maria Chatzichristodoulou [aka Maria X]

Lecturer in Performance and New Media
Programme Leader MA by Research & PhD in Theatre and Performance
Disability, Equality and Diversity Tutor
School of Drama, Music and Screen
University of Hull

Room: Loten L104
Cottingham Road
Hull, HU6 7RX, UK

T. +44 (0) 1482 465076


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