[spectre] Conf. The Terms of Media, CDC, Lüneburg, 17-19 June 2015

Andreas Broeckmann broeckmann at leuphana.de
Thu May 28 10:09:37 CEST 2015

Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany
Centre for Digital Cultures



17 - 19 June 2015

Am Graalwall 12, 21335 Lüneburg, Germany

Participation is free.
Plea­se re­gis­ter here: http://goo.gl/forms/nyHCqSTkPd

Information: http://cdc.leuphana.com
Ques­ti­ons: termsofmedia at inkubator.leuphana.de

“Me­dia de­ter­mi­ne our si­tua­ti­on,” Fried­rich Kitt­ler 
in­fa­mous­ly wro­te in his in­tro­duc­tion to Gra­mo­pho­ne, Film, 
Ty­pewri­ter. Alt­hough this dic­tum is cer­tain­ly ex­tre­me – and 
me­dia ar­chaeo­lo­gy has been cri­ti­qued for being over­ly dra­ma­tic 
and fo­cu­sed on tech­no­lo­gi­cal de­ve­lop­ments – it pro­pels us to 
keep thin­king about me­dia as set­ting the terms for which we live, 
so­cia­li­ze, com­mu­ni­ca­te, or­ga­ni­ze, do scho­lar­ship etc. Af­ter 
all, as Kitt­ler con­ti­nued in his opening state­ment al­most 30 ye­ars 
ago, our si­tua­ti­on, “in spi­te or be­cau­se” of me­dia, “de­ser­ves a 
de­scrip­ti­on.” What, then, are the terms – the li­mits, the 
con­di­ti­ons, the pe­ri­ods, the re­la­ti­ons, the phra­ses – of 
me­dia? And, what is the re­la­ti­ons­hip bet­ween the­se terms and 

This pro­ject, which ent­ails two in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­ren­ces, to 
take place at Brown Uni­ver­si­ty and at Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty in 
Lüne­burg, Ger­ma­ny, and a se­ries of pu­bli­ca­ti­ons ba­sed on the­se 
con­fe­ren­ces, seeks to re­po­se and up­date this fun­da­men­tal 
ques­ti­on of me­dia theo­ry. Does our si­tua­ti­on in­di­ca­te a new 
term, un­ders­tood as tem­po­ral shifts of me­dia­tic con­di­tio­n­ing, 
which de­ser­ves a re-de­scrip­ti­on? How and on what terms are me­dia 
chan­ging, re­flec­ting chan­ges in me­dia its­elf? What are the terms 
of con­di­ti­ons that we ne­go­tia­te as sub­jects of me­dia? How do the 
terms of me­dia theo­ry re­la­te to such con­di­ti­ons? What are the 
terms of con­di­ti­ons of me­dia theo­ry its­elf?

Preliminary schedule (subject to change)

June 17, 2015
Keyno­te (07:00 pm)
The Yes Men
moderated by Martina Leeker

Launch of µ me­son press

June 18, 2015
FABRICATIONS (10:00–11:30)
Ian Bo­gost
Fox Har­rell
mo­dera­ted by Ma­thi­as Fuchs

SUBJECTS (11:45–01:15)
Wendy Chun
Flo­ri­an Cra­mer
mo­dera­ted by Cle­mens Apprich

ATMOSPHERES (2:30–04:00)
An­dre­as Phil­ip­po­pou­los-Mi­ha­lo­pou­los
Ste­fan Rie­ger
mo­dera­ted by Christiane Heibach

FLESH (04:15–05:45)
Inge Bax­mann
Mark Han­sen
mo­dera­ted by Erich Hörl

June 19, 2015
PHYSICS (10:00–11:30)
Pe­ter Gal­ison
Chris­ti­na Vagt
mo­dera­ted by Paul Fei­gel­feld

MARKETS (11:45-01:15)
Jens Schröter
Phi­lip Mi­row­ski
mo­dera­ted by Ar­min Be­ver­un­gen

POLITICS (2:30-04:00)
Hito Stey­erl
Me­lis­sa Gregg
mo­dera­ted by An­d­rew Lison

COLOR (04:15–05:45)
Marc Glöde
Car­o­lyn Kane
mo­dera­ted by Bo­ris Traue

An­dre­as Bro­eck­mann
Nis­hant Shah
El­len Roo­ney

Multi-chan­nel Vi­deo In­stal­la­ti­on by Nina Wake­ford and Ro­bert 

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