[spectre] OPEN CALL paraflows .XI EXHIBITION

Paraflows office at paraflows.at
Wed Feb 3 15:53:11 CET 2016

paraflows .XI - IDENTITY

Who are we? What are the traits that define us? There are several biological – and therefore hereditary – physical features that represent an identity. Sex, hair and eye color, body height, fingerprints, … characteristics which are hard to change by ourselves. The medial, social, and constructed forms of identity on the other hand are fairly easy to manipulate.  How much identity or how many identities do we need, and what do we need them for? Where does the desire to reinvent ourselves, to have one or several alter egos, to control the way we are perceived from outside come from?  What is the difference between a persona and an avatar? Is it a desire of all humans to be creator and creature at the same time?

But not just the possible ways to create an identity are rapidly evolving; the methods to examine and verify these identities are also becoming more refined. Our identity is not just checked when we travel but every time we go shopping, when we enter public spaces, at the doctor’s, at restaurants, in social media, … how are we dealing with the data streams we produce? How do we behave, how do we protect ourselves? How are we being mapped? 

What influence do migrant scenarios have on the construction of identities? What about pen names and fictional characters? 

paraflows .XI will be looking into the components of identity and trying to find variables to put these components together in different ways. 

DEADLINE: 31.03.2016

Pls send your application as pdf file via e-mail to: office(at)paraflows.at

or ship to:

Museumsplatz 1
A-1070 Vienna

Mandatory information for submissions:
1) name, institution (if existing), address, e-mail, phone number, website/s
2) submitted work: title, medium, author/artist, year of production
3) work description: 1 DIN A4-page maximum
4) technical explanation, room/space requirements (hardware, operating
system, additional software)
5) CD with 1-2 high resolution, printable images
6) biographies
7) documentation of earlier projects, e.g. a link to your website

Language: all submissions have to be in English or in German or need to have subtitles in one of the two languages. Works in any other language have to include a text list in either German or English. We especially encourage international submissions.

DEADLINE: 31.03.2016

paraflows CONTACT
Festival management: Guenther Friesinger
Exhibition management: Judith Fegerl
Museumsplatz 1
A-1070 Vienna

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