[spectre] Sounding Out the Anthropocene. Investigating Sonic Media Ecologies

Gerloff Felix felix.gerloff at fhnw.ch
Fri Feb 12 19:03:25 CET 2016

Dear all,

we are happy to announce our workshop program "Sounding Out the Anthropocene. Investigating Sonic Media Ecologies". Please spread the word!


Felix Gerloff

Sounding Out the Anthropocene. Investigating Sonic Media Ecologies

International Exploratory Workshop of IXDM<http://www.ixdm.ch> and the GfM-AG Auditive Kultur und Sound Studies<http://www.auditive-medienkulturen.de>

10./11. March 2016

Critical Media Lab Basel
Academy of Art and Design FHNW
Freilager-Platz 1
4023 Basel
Tower building (3rd floor)
Map and connections<http://www.ixdm.ch/contact>

Organisation: Felix Gerloff, Shintaro Miyazaki, Sebastian Schwesinger

The international exploratory workshop will investigate the fruitfulness of a media ecological approach to sonic phenomena in the light of the Anthropocene discourse. Sonic aspects of global media infrastructures and current ecological issues will be discussed as well as smaller-scale sonic media constellations. The workshop is a collaboration of the working group Auditory Culture and Sound Studies of the Society for Media Studies (GfM) and IXDM.

Registration is open until February 19th. Participation is limited.

Thursday, 10.03.2016

10.00 am – Welcome Coffee & Introduction (Miyazaki/Gerloff/Schwesinger)

11.00 am – Presentation Panel I: Sonic Architectures (Chair: Felix Gerloff)

Jan Philip Müller: The Electronic Battlefield, the Acoubuoy and The Ears of the Jungle. The Becoming-ecological of Radiophonics in the Vietnam War, ca. 1966-1974

Carlos Gárate Marquerie: Underground as a Sonic Space

Steffen Lepa: An ecological systems theory approach to the digital Mediatization of everyday music listening

Malte Kobel: ›Simple Headphone Mind‹. Listening environments around the skull

1.00 pm – Lunch Break

2.00 pm – Project Explorations at CML

3.15 pm – Presentation Panel II: Bio/Media (Chair: Shintaro Miyazaki)

Daniel Gilfillan: Of Parrots, Behaviors, and Moods. Thinking about Sound in the Anthropocene

Thomas Nückel: Cellular Sounds Project. A Sonic Experimental System Based on Cellular Automata

Beate Ochsner/Robert Stock/Markus Spöhrer: Auditory Ecologies. Documentary Practices of (Non-)Hearing

Mark Peter Wright: The Thing about Microphones

5.15 pm – Coffee Break

5.30 pm – Keynote I: Seth Horowitz: Where the Wild Things Hear. Auditory Worlds Beyond the Human Experience

7.00 pm – Dinner

Friday, 11.03.2016

9.30 am – Presentation Panel III: Hearing Universes (Chair: Sebastian Schwesinger)

China Blue: SpectroTemporal Aesthetics. Time, Space and Place

Christoph Borbach: From Material to Sonic Soundings

Friedlind Riedel: Situation-Listening

Jacob Eriksen: Non-Listening. Affect, Hearing and the Sonic Everyday

11.30 am – Coffee Break

11.45 am – Keynote II: Astrid Schwarz: Technology in the Anthropocene. Is Homo Hortensis the »New Man«?

1.15 pm – Lunch Break

2.00 pm – Poster Session

2.30 pm – Working Session: Sound Studies & Media Ecology?

5.00 pm – Coffee Break

5.15 pm – Final Discussion: Desiderata & Future cooperation possibilities

6.30 pm – End

The workshop is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.



Felix Gerloff

Junior Researcher

ixdm Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures

Academy of Art and Design Basel
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

T:  +41 61 228 43 38
M: +41 76 480 08 82


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