[spectre] CONF: Art History and Socialism(s) after World War II (Tallinn, 27-29 Oct 2016)

Andreas Broeckmann ab at mikro.in-berlin.de
Wed Jun 15 20:28:13 CEST 2016

From: Kristina Jõekalda <kristina.joekalda at artun.ee>
Date: Jun 15, 2016
Subject: CONF: Art History and Socialism(s) after World War II (Tallinn, 
27-29 Oct 2016)

Estonian Academy of Sciences main hall (Kohtu 6, Tallinn), October 
27 - 29, 2016
Registration deadline: Oct 20, 2016

Art History and Socialism(s) after World War II: The 1940s until the 1960s
27th–29th October 2016, Tallinn

Venue: Estonian Academy of Sciences main hall (Kohtu 6, Tallinn)

Hosting institution: Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, 
Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn


Thursday, 27th October

18.00 KEYNOTE PAPER Branko Mitrovic, Prof. Dr. (Norwegian University of 
Science and Technology, Trondheim), Collectivist Historiography and its 

20.00 Opening reception

Friday, 28th October

09.00 Registration

INTRODUCTION Krista Kodres, Prof. Dr. (Estonian Academy of Arts; Tallinn 

09.45 PANEL 1
Ekaterina Boltunova, Dr. (Higher School of Economics, Moscow),
Reinterpreting Imperial Art in the Post-War USSR: Soviet Views of 
National Heritage

Milena Bartlová, Prof. Dr. (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, 
Prague), New Political Orientation of Czech Art History around 1950

Ivan Gerát, Dr. (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; University of 
Marxist Iconology in Czechoslovakia before 1968

12.00 Lunch

13.30 PANEL 2
Nikolas Drosos, Dr. (Harriman Institute, Columbia University), ‘People’s 
Realism: Interpreting Renaissance Art in 1950s Poland

Tereza Johanidesová, MA (Charles University; Václav Havel Library, 
Prague), Did Marxist Iconology Exist in Czech Art History?

Carmen Popescu, Dr., Writing in the Void: Architectural History in 
Socialist Romania

Juliana Maxim, Dr. (University of San Diego, California),
Socialist Historiography between Nation and Revolution: Writing the 
History of Romanian Architecture in the 1960s

16.30 Coffee/tea

17.15 PANEL 3
Almira Ousmanova, Prof. Dr. (European Humanities University, Vilnius), 
Not-Ready-Made: Flashback to the Soviet Version of Marxist Art History

Elena Khlopina, Dr. (Higher School of Economics, Moscow),
Research Method of A. A. Fedorov-Davydov and the Teaching of Art History 
in Lomonosov Moscow State University in the 1950s–1960s

Nataliya Zlydneva, Prof. Dr. (Russian Academy of Science; Lomonosov 
Moscow State University; State Institute for Art History; Moscow State 
Conservatorium), Rereading the 1920s: Alternative Paths of Soviet Art 

Saturday, 29th October

10.00 PANEL 4
Bart Pushaw, MA (University of Maryland, College Park),
Heroic Modernists of Peasant Blood: The Revolutionary Turn in Baltic Art 

Raino Isto, MA (University of Maryland, College Park), ‘Modelling 
Reality’: Writing the History of (Socialist) Albanian Sculpture – the 
Case of Odhise Paskali

Karolina Labowicz-Dymanus, Dr. (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw),
Modernism on the Secret Service of Superstructure, Marxism-Leninism as a 
Base of Modern Polish Art History: The Polish School of Art History in 
the Late 1940s and 1950s

12.15 Lunch

14.00 PANEL 5
Piotr Juszkiewicz, Prof. Dr. (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan), 
Socialist Modernism, Socialist Structuralism: Mieczysław Porębski’s 
Socialist Art History

Katja Bernhardt, Dr. (Humboldt-University, Berlin),
Socialist Kunstwissenschaft in the GDR

Marina Dmitrieva, Dr. (Centre for History and Culture of East Central 
Europe, Leipzig), Riddles of Modernism in the Late Soviet Discourse: 
Mikhail Lifshits’ Battle against ‘New Barbarism?


ORGANISATION The post-World War II socialism and related art historical 
discourse had many faces: too many for a single conference. Therefore we 
have launched a series of conferences, the first of which will be held 
in Tallinn in October 2016, focusing on the decades immediately 
following the war. In 2017 and 2018 follow-up conferences will be held 
in Leipzig and Berlin.

Hosting institution: Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, 
Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn

Programme managers: Krista Kodres, Prof. Dr.; Michaela Marek, Prof. Dr.; 
Kristina Jõekalda, MA; Kädi Talvoja, MA

Supporters: Estonian Research Council grant PUT788 (Historicizing Art: 
Knowledge Production in Estonian Art History amidst Changing Ideologies 
and Disciplinary Developments, principal investigator Krista Kodres); 
Estonian Academy of Arts; Estonian Academy of Sciences

Partners: Chair of Art History of Eastern and East Central Europe at 
Humboldt-University of Berlin; Centre for History and Culture of East 
Central Europe (GWZO) in Leipzig

Visit http://www.artun.ee/en/x/conference-art-history-and-socialisms for 
more details and registration.

Reference / Quellennachweis:
CONF: Art History and Socialism(s) after World War II (Tallinn, 27–29 
Oct 2016). In: H-ArtHist, Jun 15, 2016. <http://arthist.net/archive/13274>.

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