[spectre] The Landscape in Focus - International Interdisciplinary Conference

Miloš VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ milos.vojtechovsky at famu.cz
Thu Oct 6 14:07:06 CEST 2016

The Landscape in Focus - International Interdisciplinary Conference
Wednesday 19/10 2016
Venue: Faculty of Art and Design at JEPU in Ústí nad Labem, Czech
Republic. Pasteurova 9, auditorium Nr. 537 (4th Floor)
Faculty of Art and Design at JEPU in Ústí nad Labem is organizing an
interdisciplinary conference Landscape at Attention, which is a part of
the exhibition Epiphany - Frontiers of Solitude, organized in the House
of Arts in Ústí nad Labem. Both the conference and the exhibition
loosely follow the topics of the international project Frontiers of
Solitude, organized by Školská 28 Gallery in Prague and its
international partners in Iceland and Norway, which artistically mapped
the problems of interconnection of post-industrial societies and natural
environment of Iceland, Norway, and the Czech Republic.
The focal point of our conference is the region of North-West Bohemia
with its specific latent problems of exploitation of its landscape and
natural resources, which reflects not only in the state of the
environment, but mainly in the community's socio-cultural development.
The persistent after-effects of politically-economic preferences
regarding the disposal of the landscape and cultural potential of the
region, combined with the historical context of the loss of its original
inhabitants, are still apparent in all spheres of today's social life.
The topics of the conference thus reflect the links between economical,
biopolitical, cultural, and ethical problems and their influence on the
tendencies of the region's development. We welcome entries from various
scientific fields studying environmental topics  (I. block), as well as
entries of contemporary art, artistic reflection and curatorial
approaches (II. block).
I. block / 9.30 am - 1.00 pm

Moderator: Pavel Mrkus

The Transformations of Landscape at the Turn of the 21st Century and
their Impact on the Society  (Attention to relations of landscape and
society in natural and social science)
prof. Ing. Iva Ritschelová, CSc. - Reclamation = Art
Ing. Rut Bízková - New societal challenges as a consequence (or the
cause of?) new technological possibilities
Ing. Vladimír Buřt - What does it feel like to live on the edge of a
brown coal mine?
Mgr. Josef Märc - On the border (the options for education through
cultural-historical heritage)
doc. PhDr. Tomáš Pavlíček, Ph.D. - The transformations of landscape,
urbanity and architecture of North Bohemian cities since the half of the
19th century
moderator: Pavel Mrkus

II. block / 2.30 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. The Transformations in Art and
Landscape in the Epoch of the Anthropocene Reflections of the changes of
present-day landscape in artistic works and exhibition-curating

Traces of the Anthropogenic impact on the landscape, including global
terrestrial systems, can be found almost everywhere around us. They are
affecting the fields of ecology, economics, geopolitics, ethics,
philosophy and art, but they also influence our daily lives. For
centuries, the Christian tradition has linked the land with the realm of
externalities and has perceived land as a vast territory, ready for
(aggressive) human colonisation, appropriation, exploitation and
subjugation; and as a space to be operated, managed, civilized,
maintained, and finally *improved* by humankind, with continually
expanding *limits of growth*. With the western
technology-power-paradigm acting in global hegemony, we are brought to
the limits of sustainability. These lectures will raise questions about
the relationship of the sacred and the profane, the sacrificed,
enchantment and disenchantment, local and global, rational, irrational,
and empathetic. A series of lectures and presentations by theorists and
artists that present the wider context of the exhibition and the project
Frontiers of Solitude. Such binary constructs as natural and cultural,
space and place, value, environment, labor and goods, landscape and
wilderness, management of the land, farming and industrial exploitation
for (fossil) resources are quickly losing their validity. The
Anthropocene confronts art and artists with evidence of the processes.
These occur not only on the surface, but also deep in our beliefs,
imaginations, feelings.
Miloš Vojtěchovský - Sacred, Mutilated and Redeemed
Layla Curtis - The Antipodes Project
Jiří Zemánek - From The Anthropocene toward the Ecozoic Era
Paul Chaney - Fieldclub a Lizard Exit Plan
Peter Cusack - Listening to the Sounds of Places in Transformation
The programme of conference with all annotations of contributions is on
the leaflet of conference and also on websites.
contact information: MgA. Adéla Machová
Faculty of Art and Design JEPU
Pasteurova 9, 400 96 Ústí nad Labem, CZ
adela.machova at ujep.cz 
adelahru at gmail.com 
p/ 00420 475 285 131
m/ 00420 601 385 504



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