[spectre] CURRENT SCREENSAVER: Ladislav Tejml /Everything’s Gonna Be Alright/

metazoa.org info at metazoa.org
Tue Oct 25 12:00:45 CEST 2016

Czech-based artist Ladislav Tejml, who is currently studying his Master
degree at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Brno University of Technology, is the
winner of SSG/ PAF Preloader Competition.

*Tejml is mainly focused on the domestication of society which he perceives
as a result of rapid technology evolvement. According to him, the easy
manipulation and ‘herd’ control is only the tip of the iceberg. We cannot
be surprised, as Tejml states, that it is harder and harder to meet
citizens who keep stickers of love in their pockets.*

Save the screen carefully!

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