[spectre] Invitation to Critical Media Lab Colloquium in Basel

Gerloff Felix felix.gerloff at fhnw.ch
Tue Apr 4 18:12:08 CEST 2017

Dear all,

we kindly invite you to the Critical Media Lab Basel's research colloquium<https://www.ixdm.ch/events/colloquium/>. You can find the program of the ongoing colloquium here<https://www.ixdm.ch/events/colloquium/colloquium-2017-1/>. The next session<https://www.ixdm.ch/elusive-earths/> will feature a presentation by Jennifer Teets and Lorenzo Cirrincione on their series of works around the cultural imaginaries of rare clays, soils, and earths. Other subsequent sessions will encompass topics such as programming as a cultural technology, a critical design research approach to so-called smart technologies or the use of photogrammetry for 3D modeling in architecture and archaeology. In case of any inquiries please don't hesitate to contact me via felix.gerloff at fhnw.ch<mailto:felix.gerloff at fhnw.ch>.

Best wishes,

Felix Gerloff


Junior Researcher

ixdm Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures

Academy of Art and Design Basel
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

T:  +41 61 228 43 38
M: +41 76 480 08 82

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