[spectre] Málaga 25/26 March 2017: Picasso in the Monster Institution | Picasso en la institución monstruo

eipcp info info at eipcp.net
Tue Mar 21 15:47:34 CET 2017

*Picasso in the Monster Institution**
**Art, the Culture Industry and the Right to the City*

This seminar seeks to reflect on the role of culture in those social 
movements that vindicate uses of urban space outside a city model which 
looks towards art to strengthen tourist imaginaries, thus conditioning 
its institutions and reception. /Picasso in the Monster Institution. 
Art, the Culture Industry and the Right to the City/ strives to create 
distance from the predominant sense of celebrations and large-scale 
cultural commemorations which, in understanding art as an attractive 
resource, place history and artistic experience inside a frame with 
exclusive ties to tourism and urban leisure. It also calls into question 
these logics and explores possible alternatives.

The recognition of Picasso’s work is one of the best examples to analyse 
the contradictions and complexities of these logics. Today, the work of 
the artist from Málaga is broadly appreciated and disseminated, yet, 
equally, such a reception cements stereotypes associated with the heroic 
and fetichized idea of artistic avant-garde movements and their most 
unrelenting myths, for instance the originality, brilliance and autonomy 
of art. These values obscure one of the 20th century’s most complex 
bodies of work.

How can the contemporary city fight against this integration of art, and 
its audiences and institutions, in the service economy and recover the 
potential of one of the most challenging oeuvres from the avant-gardes 
in its historical scope? What are the devices and anomalous or 
“monstrous” institutions which are able to place the work in a space 
which is alien to this integration? The seminar sets out to reflect on 
these questions via two round-table discussions and a workshop on the 
monumental imagery of Picasso and the contemporary city, conducted by 
Rogelio López Cuenca and Elo Vega, which will begin at the close of the 
lectures and shall be expanded upon in the future. The first session 
will debate midstream and monstrous modes of relationship and care, 
calling upon different European networks and spaces (S.a.L.E., Venice; 
transversal texts / eipcp, Vienna and Berlin; and La Invisible, Málaga), 
and theorists specialised in collaborating with these instituent 
machines. The second session analyses the relationship between art and 
gentrification through the uses and abuses of Picasso’s work, putting 
forward a model of artistic experience which eludes the so-called 
creative industries and economies.



Saturday, 25 March. Monster Institutions
17:30 *Gerald Raunig*. Technecologies. Milieus, Midstreams, 
Subsistential Territories
18:30 *Florencio Cabello*. Notions of Public in Collective Intelligence.
19:30 *Roberta Da Soller* (S.a.L.E., Venice), *Kelly Mulvaney* 
(transversal texts / eipcp, Berlin and Chicago) and *Manuela Zechner* 
(Barcelona). Moderated by: *Raúl Sánchez Cedillo*. European Cities, from 
Care and Shelter to Fear, War, and Debt.
21:00  Debate with the session participants.

Sunday, 26 March. The Artist in the City-Brand
17:30 *Rogelio López Cuenca*. In the Great City
This presentation will lead on to a workshop with the artist and *Elo Vega*.
18:30 *Isabell Lorey*. Precarisation. Indebtedness. Giving Time.
19:30  Debate with the session participants.

*Venue*: La Invisible <http://www.lainvisible.net/>. Calle Nosquera, 11. 
Málaga, ES

The seminar is organized by *Museo Reina Sofía 
*La Invisible <http://www.lainvisible.net/es/node/592>* and *eipcp* 
It is part of the transnational project *Midstream 
http://midstream.eipcp.net/partners, http://midstream.eipcp.net/supportedby

eipcp - european institute for progressive cultural policies
a-1060 vienna, gumpendorfer strasse 63b
a-4040 linz, harruckerstrasse 7

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