[spectre] OUT at the Widget Art Gallery "Less is more" by Mohsen Boroojerdian. April 17 - June 18 2018

Chiara Passa chiarapassa at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 15:45:54 CEST 2018

Dear friends & colleagues,

Hope this finds you well.
I'm glad to present "Less is more" by Mohsen Boroojerdian, a site-specific
minimalist cubic-building, hosted by the Widget Art Gallery from April 17
to June 18 2018.

The Widget Art Gallery http://www.chiarapassa.it/wag  is a Web-App
cross-device, just save the WAG icon on your desktop screen!
Always available the osx-dashboard version at
http://www.chiarapassa.it/TheWidgetArtGallery.html Enjoy the show!

Best regards, Chiara Passa

About the WAG

Due to our needs that seem to be increasingly handheld, WAG was born on
2009! The Widget Art Gallery is a mini single art gallery room fitting into
people's pocket. Every month, the WAG hosts a solo digital art exhibition
related to its dynamic site-specific context. So the WAG works both as a
sort of kunsthall showing temporary exhibitions and also as museum
conserving all the past shows inside an online archive that creates a
permanent collection.
WAG website http://www.chiarapassa.it/TheWidgetArtGallery.html

About the artwork:

"Less is more" - architecture - is a phrase adopted in 1947 by architect
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe as a precept for Minimalist design and
architecture. Mohsen Boroojerdian, Iranian artist and photographer based in
Rome, proposed for the WAG a way to eliminate the chaos of the buildings
that crowd the streets from the sight, rearranging that chaos giving to it
harmony and simplicity through the use of composition, minimalist shapes
and geometries.

“A selective gaze guides my photographs, every time I have placed more and
more attention to the details of a composition; then moving from a total
vision to a focus on the particular - to fully understand the subject I
have analyzed every single part of it, to have a complete observation both
of the details and of its totality”. Mohsen Boroojerdian
Artist website: https://mohsenboroujerdian.wixsite.com/mohsen-boroujerdian

Chiara Passa - visual artist
chiarapassa at gmail.com
Wikipedia Engl. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiara_Passa
Wikipedia It. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiara_Passa
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