[spectre] Ràdio Web MACBA most listened podcasts - June 2018

Radio Web MACBA rwm2008 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 18:24:11 CEST 2018

*Ràdio Web MACBA most listened podcasts - June 2018*

*1- SON[I]A #261. Jennifer Lucy Allan.*

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/jennifer-lucy-allan/capsula

*Jennifer Lucy Allan
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/jennifer-lucy-allan/capsula> *talks about
foghorns, 'a sound that’s lost and not lost at the same time', and how
foggy it gets when you are digging up sensory records in archives and oral

*PROBES series. Curated by Chris Cutler

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/probes_tag

PROBES <http://rwm.macba.cat/en/probes_tag> takes Marshall McLuhan’s
conceptual contrapositions as a starting point to analyse and expose the
search for a new sonic language made urgent after the collapse of tonality
in the twentieth century. The series looks at the many probes and
experiments that were launched in the last century in search of new musical
resources, and a new aesthetic; for ways to make music adequate to a world
transformed by disorientating technologies.

You can find the latest instalment of the series, tackling the issue of
noise - and what we mean by it – before examining the toy symphonies and
the musical career of the infamous toy piano.

*3- SON[I]A #254. Griselda Pollock

*In this podcast Griselda Pollock talks about her involvement in the
Women’s Movement in England in the seventies, and about the points of
convergence between feminism and art history. She gives a detailed analysis
of the ideas set out in 'Old Mistresses: Women, Art and Ideology', a
seminal text written with Rozsika Parker in 1981, in which they chart a new
cultural imaginary based on works created by women artists throughout
history. In her 1987 'Feminist Interventions in Art’s Histories', Pollock
advocates the need to decentralise and diversify knowledge, and to design
resistance strategies specific to each socio-political context. And, last
but not least, drawing on her most recent essay 'Is Feminism a Bad Memory
or a Virtual Future?', Griselda reflects on memory technologies, trauma,
Oedipal and mother-child relationships, narratives of progress, and Bracha
Ettinger’s matrixial ethics.*

*Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/griselda-pollock-main/capsula

*4-  SON[I]A #258. Domènec (only available in Catalan)
Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/ca/sonia/domenec-main/capsula

Domènec ens parla sobre els seus processos de treball i documentació –el
que ell anomena una "investigació bastarda", sempre a cavall entre l’art,
l’antropologia, la sociologia, la història, el periodisme i l'activisme)–.
Reflexiona també sobre la naturalesa dels espais de l'art en tant que
espais púbics, i repassa en profunditat algunes de les seves obres més

*5- SON[I]A #257. val flores  (only available in Spanish) <goog_2133180158>*

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/ca/sonia/val-flores-main/capsula

*Nos tomamos unos mates con val flores mientras conversamos sobre pedagogía
queer, escritura y microactivismos. Hablamos sobre la práctica docente como
práctica política, sobre lo queer como forma de disidencia capaz de activar
saberes deshetrosexualizantes y sobre la necesidad de articular nuevos
modos de habitar y escribir nuestras identidades que derriben las fronteras
del género, la raza y la clase.*




*+ in case you missed it: new podcast with Maia Urstad
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/maia-urstad/capsula>, in which she talks
about <https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/maia-urstad/capsula> nostalgia, radio
pips, AM, FM and DAB, about the importance of ska, about arches and
obelisks, sounds in the fjord, and time capsules, about program 81,
freq_out, and foghorns, and about local radio stations and lost tapes.*
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