[spectre] Chicago New Media 1973-1992 -- Nov 1- December 15

Oliver Grau Oliver.Grau at donau-uni.ac.at
Mon Nov 5 16:04:20 CET 2018

Chicago New Media 1973-1992 --- Nov 1- December 15

Curated by Jon Cates, with curatorial assistance by Chaz Evans and

This expansive project chronicles the under-recognized story of
contributions to new media art by artists at the University of Illinois
Chicago's (UIC) Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL), the School
the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), and Midway Games and Bally. The
exhibition features video game artifacts, new media technologies,
historical photographs, game stills, playable video game consoles, and
virtual reality modules.

Related Events and Programming
*Chicago New Media Symposium*

*Thursday, November 1, 2-4pm*

*Gallery 400 Lecture Room, 400 S. Peoria St

Panelists included:

   - *Christiane Paul,* curator of new media art, the Whitney Museum
   - *Oliver Grau, *professor for Image Science, Danube University and
   founder of the field of media art history
   - *Ellen Sandor,* artist and co-editor of *New Media Futures: The
   of Women in the Digital Arts*
   - *Dan Sandin, *professor emeritus, School of Art & Art History,
   University of Illinois at Chicago, cofounder and co-director of the
   Electronic Visualization Laboratory
   - *Jamie Faye Fenton*, software developer for key systems used by
   artists in exhibition
   - *Tom DeFanti, *Senior Research Scientist, Calit2 at University of
   California San Diego and Distinguished Emeritus Professor,
University of
   Illinois at Chicago, co-founder and co-director of the Electronic
   Visualization Laboratory
   - *Sabrina Raaf, *artist and associate professor, School of Art &
   History, University of Illinois at Chicago
   - *Jon Cates,* artist, associate professor, School of the Art
   of Chicago, and exhibition curator

Sandin, Kooima, Spiegel, and DeFanti, *Particle Dreams in Spherical
Harmonics* (VR Installation, 2011)
CAVE2 Demonstration with Dan Sandin

Wednesday, November 7, 2018, 6-7:30pm
University of Illinois at Chicago’s Engineering Research Facility
842 W. Taylor St., Room 2036

Join Electronic Visualization Lab co-founder Dan Sandin for a special
demonstration of Particle Dreams in Spherical Harmonics in the CAVE2:
next-generation virtual reality and visualization hybrid environment
immersive simulation and information analysis. Participants have the
to step into the cylindrical array of screens and watch real-time
interactive animations surrounding them.
View Event

Pixel Art Sprite Making Workshop
Saturday, November 17, 1-3pm
Gallery 400 Lecture Room, 400 S. Peoria St

Led by VGA teaching artist Eden Unluata-Foley, this workshop gives
participants the opportunity to create their own pixel art game
Participants will begin by using graph paper to build the characters
then transcribe the character to an online app called Piskel App. No
programming experience is required.
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Video Game Art (VGA) Gallery is the Chicago area's first public art
supporting video games and related new art. Founded by Jonathan
and Chaz Evans in 2013, the organization has
presented a number of exhibitions, education programs, screenings, and
other video game art related events every year since. VGA also
the yearly peer-reviewed journal the VGA Reader
<https://www.videogameartgallery.com/vga-reader/> and maintains a fine
print collection <https://www.videogameartgallery.com/exhibition>
representing work for a number of significant video games (such as
Route Zero*, *Gardenarium*, *The Witness* and many others). VGA aims
continue supporting video game art locally and internationally. The
is open to the public 5-8pm Wednesdays and 12-5pm Sundays at 2418 W.
Bloomingdale Ave #102. https://www.videogameartgallery.com/ 

Jamie Faye Fenton, Raul Zaritsky, and Dick Ainsworth, still from
TV Dinner *(1978, video, 2:42)

*Chicago New Media Remix Night Featuring Cat Bluemke, Ali Krouse, and
Whitney Pow*

*Wednesday, November 28, 6pm*
*Gallery 400, 400 S. Peoria St

For one night only, Chicago-based game makers and new media artists
Bluemke, Ali Krouse, and Whitney Pow present video games that
rework, remix, and respond to specific pieces exhibited in *Chicago
Media 1973-1992*. By re-fashioning artworks from the exhibition, the
illustrates how several concepts featured in Chicago new media history
ongoing conversations shared across generations.
View Event

Josh Tsui, still from *Insert Coin: Inside Midway’s ‘90s

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