[spectre] // Climate and Collapse //

info at i-a-m.tk info at i-a-m.tk
Mon Nov 5 23:38:50 CET 2018

> We have 5 elections between now and 2050, in most Western states - states
> responsible for over 50% of GHG footprint. That's 5 rolls of the big dice. 

why would elections change smth here … they didn't so far when we look at starvation / education / equality rights / warfare / development / exploitation / pollution / crisis … things that are nasty and that appear drastically more urgent since decades / centuries than a slow climate change … 
and looking at the men the last several elections brought up in hungary / poland / turkey / russia / usa / … elections are rather scary than anything … 

> i invite you all to self sabotage by stop using google, facebook and 
> amazon and bin your phones and start the revolt

that really is a sweet invitation to the revolution … virillio somewhere says: “To invent the sailing ship or the steamer is to invent the shipwreck. To invent the train is to invent the rail accident of derailment. To invent the family automobile is to produce the pile-up on the highway.” … now putting that forward with the invention of nuclear weapons / genome editing / mass computing / globalisation / google / facebook / … why then getting out of the progress in this particular stage of development … why not earlier / later … (if possible at all)

maybe the human species will come to an end in the next couple of decades / centuries … maybe we should face it … 


instagram us! 

Am 02.11.2018 um 16:43 schrieb Julian Oliver <julian at julianoliver.com>:

..on Fri, Nov 02, 2018 at 03:00:45PM +0000, John Maher wrote:
> all brilliant but a bit of a rant and an ode to stop shopping
> a better response would be found in the Tim Morton / Justin Brice Guariglia installation maxim:
> "Don't Eco Shop, Eco Vote [Instead]" to which I would add "Do Eco direct action"

We have 5 elections between now and 2050, in most Western states - states
responsible for over 50% of GHG footprint. That's 5 rolls of the big dice. 

Tim and Justin proffer dangerously poor advice, unfortunately. We need /both/
policy and per-capita change, this being the expressed recommendation of 15,364
scientists from 184 countries (the most scientists to sign a single document in
history), in their recent 'Second Warning to Humanity':

"As most political leaders respond to pressure, scientists, media influencers,
and lay citizens must insist that their governments take immediate action as a
moral imperative to current and future generations of human and other life. With
a groundswell of organized grassroots efforts, dogged opposition can be overcome
and political leaders compelled to do the right thing. It is also time to
re-examine and change our individual behaviors, including limiting our own
reproduction (ideally to replacement level at most) and drastically diminishing
our per capita ­consumption of fossil fuels, meat, and other resources."


To ignore that advice would be, well, anti-science.



>    On Friday, November 2, 2018, 10:00:44 AM EDT, heath bunting <heathbunting at irational.org> wrote:  
> as climate change is now an existential threat to all humans
> it will become a subject of mass denial
> out of those that accept the collapse though, only self sabotaging people
> such as artists and those that have a long view will have the potential 
> to act and those will be very rare
> for example, we all know that using amazon, google and facebook is against
> the interest of all people on the planet, including our own, but we still 
> use them
> buying an item on amazon feeds directly into the cia drone strike program 
> in afghanistan, but we continue to buy
> we also know that using mobile telephones is an extreme threat to our 
> person security, but we all use them
> i remember a time when people would boycott corporations because they 
> underpaid their staff, now we ignore corporations assassinating people, 
> because online shopping is convenient
> i invite you all to self sabotage by stop using google, facebook and 
> amazon and bin your phones and start the revolt
> On Tue, 30 Oct 2018, Julian Oliver wrote:
>> Dear Spectre,
>> Posting here a recent interview of French historian Christophe Bonneuil,
>> meticulously translated to English by Crystelle Vu:
>> Thoroughly recommended reading, not only as it deeply implicates the near future
>> of Europe itself.
>> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------->
>> 'Climate and collapse: Only Through the Insurrection of Civil Societies Will We
>> Avoid the Worst'
>> Are we under the threat of an imminent "collapse" as a result of global warming
>> and the over-exploitation of resources? For the historian Christophe Bonneuil,
>> there is no question: major social, economic and geopolitical upheavals have
>> already been triggered and will only accelerate. Instead, the issue needs to be
>> repositioned, in turn inciting "political thinking" of the current situation:
>> who will be the winners and the losers? How can we exert an influence on the
>> nature of these changes? Mass migrations, risk of conflicts over resources:
>> despite his brutal observation of this emerging world, the historian appeals to
>> avoid the trap of a "romanticism" of collapse. "Another end of the world is
>> possible," he says. It is up to civil societies to write the final scenario.
>>     https://www.activisme.fr/climate-and-collapse/
>> //<-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Globally warm regards,
>> -- 
>> Julian Oliver
>> https://julianoliver.com
>> https://criticalengineering.org
>> PGP https://julianoliver.com/key.asc
>> Beware the auto-complete life
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Julian Oliver
PGP https://julianoliver.com/key.asc
Beware the auto-complete life

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