[spectre] Soziale Sollbruchstelle: New works // Exhibition // Salon // Publication

.·:*¨¨*:·.darsha.·:*¨¨*:·. darsha.h at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 10:42:19 CEST 2018

Liebe Freunde und Bekannte I  Dear friends
Herzliche Einladung I You are cordially invited

I am finishing my fellowship at the Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in
Arts and Sciences (BAS) this month - it's been a great time of artistic
productivity and new collaborations! Please join me and check out brand new
works including the premier of a sound installation made in collaboration
with AGF  <http://www.poemproducer.com/>(Antye Greie-Ripatti)

*Soziale Sollbruchstelle *
Reimagining Technology from the former German Democratic Republic in the
age of planned obsolescence // → more info
<http://darsha.org/artwork/the-watch/> // → weitere infos

Until 28 October // *Exhibition: Graduale 18 - What if it won't stop here* //
→ more info
→ weitere Informationen

23 October, 19:00 // *Publication Launch + Salon *// → more info
<http://darsha.org/salon-fur-asthetische-experimente-23-10-2018/> // →  fb
event <https://www.facebook.com/events/162456998026317/?active_tab=about>
*Deconstructing a Socialist Lawnmower: (un)obscuring narratives embedded
throughout technology from the German Democratic Republic *with Nadja
Buttendorf <http://nadjabuttendorf.com/>, Sophia Gräfe
<http://www.sophiagraefe.com/> and Darsha Hewitt  <http://www.darsha.org/>//
A panel discussion looking at hidden narratives inside GDR technology.
Nadja will present 'Robotron - a Tech Opera' a DIY YouTube sci-fi soap
opera that explores the development of technology in East Germany, Sophia
will discuss her video essay Ende der Überspielung (End of Copy) that
deconstructs archival training footage from the Ministry for State Security
and Darsha will introduce her works revolving around a GDR lawnmower and
its connection to the culture of repair, recycling and idealized feminism
that proliferated the Socialist state.

"History sits at narrow desks, lies in grey envelopes and in orange and red
binders.» It's the material, specifically the medial foundations of
history, feelings, and memory that encourages my cultural historical
research. Since then, and together with the artist Darsha Hewitt, I've been
thinking about how psychosocial space could be reconstructed in obsolete
- Excerpt from limited edition publication with text by Sophia Gräfe -
Digital version coming soon!

Exhibition 19 – 28 October 2018
Tue - Sun 14:00 - 20:00

Archive Kabinett
Müllerstraße 133
13349 Berlin

**still on view**
Until 26.10.28  // Amplification
<https://easternbloc.ca/en/exhibits-events/exhibits/amplification_en> //
Eastern Bloc (MTL, CA)
***recently published***
New Twists in Circuit Bending // Article
Greg Smith // Musicworks Magazine
Retune Podcast Interview
<https://soundcloud.com/retuneberlin/podcast-02-darsha-hewitt> // Retune
Festival Berlin
26.10.2018-24.02.2019 // Computer Grrls
Hartware MedienKunstverein (Dortmund, DE)

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