[spectre] New Publ. Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting....

Oliver Grau Oliver.Grau at donau-uni.ac.at
Thu Aug 15 13:15:15 CEST 2019

NEW PUBLICATION  (free e-book download) 

Oliver GRAU, Janina HOTH and Eveline WANDL-VOGT (eds.):
Digital Art through the Looking Glass:
New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in Digital

Frieder Nake, George Legrady, José R. Alcalá Mellado /Beatriz Escribano
Belmar, Anne-Marie Duguet, Howard Besser, Giselle Beiguelman, Wendy
Coones, Sarah Kenderdine, Marianne Ping-Huang, Raphael Lozano Hemmer,
Annet Dekker, Janina Hoth, Laura Leuzzi, Diego Mellado, Oliver Grau,
Goki Miyakita/Keiko Okawa, Sabine Himmelsbach, Francesca Franco,
Patricia Falcão.


ISBN: 978-3-903150-51-5, tredition press, Edition Donau-Universität,
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Hamburg/Krems/Vienna 2019, 316

Digital art challenges archiving, collecting and preserving methods
within and outside of gallery, library, archive and museum (GLAM)
institutions. By its media, art in the digital sphere is processual,
contextual, modular and ephemeral, and its creative process is
collaborative. From artists, scholars, technicians and conservators –
to preserve this contemporary art is a transdisciplinary task.

This book brings together leading international experts from digital
art theory and preservation, digital humanities, collection management,
conservation and media art histories. In a transdisciplinary approach,
theoretic and practice-based research from these stakeholders in art,
research, education and exhibition are presented to create an overview
of present preservation methods and discuss demands and opportunities
for the future. Finally, the need for a new appropriate museum and
archive infrastructure is shown to preserve the art of our time.

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