[spectre] Ràdio Web MACBA: 5 podcasts to round off 2019

Radio Web MACBA rwm2008 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 28 11:26:24 CET 2019

*The 5 essential podcasts from 2019 for Ràdio Web MACBA’s extended family*
*1/ Olivia Plender: ‘All of us, I think, end up with a voice that works on
our setting. You end up with the voice that you are somehow rewarded for’*

In this podcast, Olivia Plender talks about productivity and care, about
suffragettes and museums, and about adolescence and schools. She looks at
groups without charismatic leaders, embodied education, and the possibility
of transforming errors in honest discussions. And she tells us about women
gaining authority through voice training – the material aspect of speech –,
and about how, sometimes unconsciously, we adopt a voice for which we feel
socially rewarded.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/olivia-plender/capsula

*2/ Helen Pritchard: ‘Within a lot of practices, to get to count means to
be able to be counted, so at that point it seemed to me that some of these
environmental computing practices were actually starting to say what nature
was or wasn’t. What counted as nature was that which could be observed by
computing’* <https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/helen-pritchard/capsula>

In this feature, we talked to activist and researcher Helen Pritchard about
her work and collaborative projects, including her “Animal Hacker” PhD
research, which considers the entanglement of non-human animals with
ubiquitous computing technologies. Orcas and sensors, fossils and fracking,
alpaca and recipes, sheep and data infrastructures all found their way into
the conversation. Once it was ready, we asked sound artist and researcher
Yoneda Lemma to sonically dialogue with the result. She built such a rich,
intense, interwoven soundscape, that we decided to produce an extra
version, consisting only of the unprocessed material of our conversation
with Helen, and release both at the same time.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/helen-pritchard/capsula

*3/ Lyra Pramuk: ‘Role-playing games… is always like a pact, that is: if I
step into this world and create a folklore around myself, then I have to
believe everyone else’s folklore as well. That totally influences my idea
of queerness and transness to this day. I say “I am something”, you believe
me; you say “you are something”, I believe you’*

In this podcast, American composer-produce Lyra Pramuk talks about key
moments in her childhood and adolescence, which was marked by a rigorous
religious and musical education, and about her subsequent journey to
deconstruct her assigned identity, taking refuge in her love of science
fiction and role-playing games as basic strategies for reinventing herself.
We also chat about performativity, resisting the text, non-verbal music,
live vs studio work, the recording logic of the music industry, the
importance of queer community building, and clubbing in Berlin.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/lyra-pramuk/capsula

*4/ Nora Sternfeld: ‘I think the best thing that one can do towards the
museum, which is a place of so many stolen things, is to steal. Stealing
the strategy of stealing’*

>From an extremely critical point of view at the intersection of art and
politics, curator and educator Nora Sternfeld constantly breaks the fourth
wall of research and curating, shining a light on terms such as
‘exhibition’, ‘gallery’, ‘representation’, ‘museum’, and ‘collectivity’,
always looking for cracks and hidden connections. In this podcast, Nora
starts by putting forward a few ideas that can help us understand the
crisis of the museum as institution, ‘as it happened’, from construction to
eventual collapse.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/nora-sternfeld/capsula

*5/ Sofía Olascoaga: ‘How is it that the exportation of a social model
coming from Western civilization and through the specific project of
Modernity, being imposed to other areas (and here we’re thinking about
Latin America in particular) creates the violent consequences of a complete
understanding of life being crushed and erased?’
In this podcast, artist, curator and researcher Sofía Olascoaga gives an
overview of the activist history of Cuernavaca, a small city, around 80km
south of Mexico City, which from the 1950s to the 1980s attracted several
generations of intellectuals and activists, and reflects on how community
and self-managed spaces can drive social change, while also looking at the
processes of cultural and institutional colonisation by the West in Latin

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sofia-olascoaga-main/capsula

*List drawn up by Dolores Acebal, André Chêdas, Alicia Escobio, Pablo
Martínez, Antonio Gagliano, Antye Greie-Fuchs, Roc Jiménez de Cisneros,
Maite Muñoz, Violeta Ospina, Tiago Pina, Anna Ramos, Jara Rocha, Matías
Rossi, Anna Irina Russell, Albert Tarrats and María Salgado.*
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