[spectre] Help Online Exhibitions

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Wed Feb 27 19:51:03 CET 2019




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Am 27.02.2019 um 18:58 schrieb Ana Peraica <anaperaica at gmail.com>:

Hi Annick, I have made few, but hardly any can be found any more 
The oldest one is Artkustika, I only have screenshots, it was wav and sound stream based, made in 1998. I don’t even remember the address. It was used for LADA 98 in Rimini remote presenting. Another one Machine_philosopher from 1999 with really nice front page was connecting generative text art. I have offline version of the first page. 
There was also one named Hardware - Software - Nowhere, which is also lost. 
Victims Symptom from 2014 is existing but in a really bad condition 
http://victims.labforculture.org (with artworks by Peljhan, Rosler, Arrango, Kuluncic and Duque), as well as texts by Boynik, Lovink, Vuković, Laidi-Hanieh. There are also plenty interviews… The interface was made by Pike. Some traces of it exist on the Wayback. 
Also, there was one based on social networks #whataboutyourselfie, bringing all the # from five social networks onto a single web page. 

Maybe the Victims symptom one will be working. It takes texts on victims onto the main page and basically kills the page. 


> On 27 Feb 2019, at 18:19, Annick2 <anikburo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Spectrites,
> I am currently working on a research about online exhibitions.
> What are the online exhibitions formats that you have experimented (can be current or past) that you think were truly interesting ?
> From my own experience:
> - The best one that I have seen is the "Temporary Stedelijk" one
> http://www.temporarystedelijk.com/
> Otherwise, the format models that I have identified are :
> - Table of content, text-based
> The iconic one being "Beyond Interface", curated by Steve Dietz, but it seems to have fully disappeared from the website of the Walker Art Center
> - Table of content, image-based
> The current "by-default" mode, such as this French project
> http://www.spamm.fr
> - Poster / Book cover
> Such as what I have tried with the FEAT project, where an image/drawing is designed to host the different works (in this case documented with the MemoRekall software)
> http://www.olats.org/feat/feat.php
> If you have any other suggestions I would love to have your feedback.
> Thanks !
> Best
> Annick
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