[spectre] OUT at the Widget Art Gallery: Alexa STOP! by Michael Mancini, July 18 - September 19 2019.

Chiara Passa chiarapassa at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 15:58:25 CEST 2019

Dear friends & colleagues,

Hope this email finds you well.
The WAG is proud to present its summer show: “Alexa STOP!” by Michael
Mancini. July 18 - September 19 2019.
The Widget Art Gallery http://www.chiarapassa.it/wag is a Web-App
cross-device, just save the WAG icon on your mobile screen!
Always available the osx-dashboard version at
http://www.chiarapassa.it/TheWidgetArtGallery.html Enjoy the show!

All the best, Chiara Passa

About the show “Alexa STOP!” by Michael Mancini.

In the WAG we see the Torso del Belvedere that is watching at the dramatic
images of a sea rescue of African migrants on television. During the vision
it wriggles forward felt by the pain of what it is seeing. Since it cannot
change channels, by pressing a simple button on the remote control, due to
its unfinished being, missing arms and legs, it turns to a device with
artificial intelligence shouting: "Alexa STOP!". The voice assistant
immediately stops the video, which after a few moments, however, begins to
be transmitted again. Thus, a vicious circle is created by the typical
looping of gifs. These are the historical courses and recourses of the
drama of migration, in a world in which we are increasingly losing empathy.
Michael Mancini is graduated from the department of multimedia art and
technology of the Fine Art Academy of Rome. Instagram

About the WAG:

Due to our needs that seem to be increasingly handheld, WAG was born
on 2009! The Widget Art Gallery is a mini single art gallery room
fitting into people's pocket. Every month, the WAG hosts a solo
digital art exhibition related to its dynamic site-specific context.
So the WAG works both as a sort of kunsthall showing temporary
exhibitions and also as museum conserving all the past shows inside an
online archive that creates a permanent collection. WAG website
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