[spectre] June 13th - LASER Paris

Annick Bureaud anikburo at gmail.com
Sun May 5 17:00:53 CEST 2019

Dear Spectrites,

Leonardo/Olats together with La Diagonale Paris-Saclay and our host venues
is organizing LASER events in Paris in 2019.
Join us !

*In 2019, LASER Paris* goes nomadic.

First stop is at *Ground Control *

on *Thursday June 13th 2019*

*81 rue du Charolais 75012 Paris*

*19h00 - 21h00* (doors open at 18h30)


with *Victoria Vesna, Aline Penitot and Oliver Adam*.

Free admission in the limit of available seats, registration required

(*https://tinyurl.com/yxgfplaq <https://tinyurl.com/yxgfplaq>*)

and we start on time!

LASER Paris takes place in French


     > *Victoria Vesna* (Artist and Professor at the UCLA Department of
Design Media Arts and Director of the Art|Sci Center at the School of the
Arts and California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) //

*     "A Roaring World"* about the project *Noise Aquarium*

Polluted by plastic but also by sound: far from being the "world of
silence", the subaquatic environment is a world of din and roaring. The
interactive installation *Noise Aquarium* shows elements of plancton and
our impact on those micro-organisms that provide us with half of the air we
need to live.

(Victoria Vesna presentation is in English with French translation).

     > *Aline Penitot* (Electroacoustic composer and radio documentarist)
and *Olivier Adam* (Bioacoustic specialist, Professor-Researcher at
Neurosciences Institute of Paris Saclay CNRS - University Paris Sud and
Sorbonne University) //

*     "Do humpback whales play bassoon?"*

     about the project *Interactions férales. Le chant des baleines à bosse*

     (project supported by La Diagonale Paris-Saclay)

If, instead of recording the cetaceans and analyzing their songs as
scientists usually do, if instead of creating music inspired by the whales
songs as some composers have done, we were trying to interact with them
through sounds played into the ocean? This is what the composer Aline
Penitot and the scientist Olivier Adam are together exploring using a
digital interface and their discovery of astonishing timbre relations
between the humpback whales songs and the sound of the bassoon. Will the
ocean remain the world biggest musical stage or are we going to saturate it
with our wastes, physical and acoustic, until we can no longer hear it

> Moderation : Annick Bureaud

> During the break : Audience announcements

> Drinks and snacks after the presentations

LASER Paris is co-organized by *Leonardo/Olats *(www.olats.org and *La
Diagonale Paris-Saclay *(http://www.ladiagonale-paris-saclay.fr) in
collaboration with the hosting venues, for June 13th 2019 *Ground Control *(

LASER Paris is supported by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation. (

*Next LASER Paris*

> Thursday September 26th 2019, at the 104

> Monday November 4th 2019, at the Centre Georges Pompidou
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