[spectre] RE-IMAGINING AI – Scholars, Artists and Designers in Dialogue

Shintaro Miyazaki miyazaki.shintaro at gmail.com
Mon May 20 10:05:49 CEST 2019

Dear List-Members,

I invite you to the symposium "RE-IMAGINING AI – Scholars, Artists and
Designers in Dialogue"
20.–21.06.2019 in Basel, Switzerland.

Hosted by the Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures of the
FHNW Academy of Art and Design in collaboration with HeK, House of
Electronic Arts Basel, a small group of highly distinguished scholars and
research oriented artists/designers will come together in Basel to discuss
theoretical reflections on, artistic engagements with, and designerly
critiques of infrastructures, technologies, epistemologies and aesthetics
of artificial intelligence (AI).

The symposium aims at discussing existing works and identifying novel
fields of artistic and designerly engagement with a domain of computing
that increasingly changes our understandings of human intelligence,
transforms our habitats and suggests new ways of living. So far, aesthetic
works on AI typically concentrate on revealing, amplifying and playing with
machine vision, pattern detection, deep learning, automated sense-making,
and advanced techniques of image manipulation in a way that complements,
enriches, and disturbs scholarly thinking about the transformations these
technologies entail. Utopias and dystopias of artificial intelligences,
smart environments and computationally optimized lives as observed,
reflected, interpreted, augmented and worked through by artists and
designers multiply our often too limited, too situated and ultimately
deadlocked ideas of what artificial intelligence could come to involve.

More information here: https://www.ixdm.ch/reimagining-ai/

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Academy of Art and Design
Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures

Dr. phil. Shintaro Miyazaki
Senior Researcher/  Programme Curator Critical Media Lab
Freilager-Platz 1, Postfach
CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
T +41612284163
shintaro.miyazaki at fhnw.ch
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