[spectre] ETHER || EUCHARIST

{ brad brace } bbrace at eskimo.com
Mon Apr 13 16:56:35 CEST 2020

ETHER || EUCHARIST: 20 extensive volumes of digital composites/pictures $20000USD 
(crypto-currencies ok): over 10,000 PDF pages in total (7.25 GB): delivered on DVD or Cloud. Buy 
directly from the artist. Trade ok. 
http://bradbrace.net http://bbrace.net 

The lexical disambiguation relies on looking askance to identify possible transubstantiation. 
Massive designed output sidesteps tens of thousands of automated negative-selection scripted 
outlines as closer-looks at miniature petroleum placeholders across ruptured daily Fashion 
Diorama. Displaced Sense of Self. Future Deformation. Becoming what you Desired. Digital 
Distortion Deferred. Plenty of Inspirational Deniability. Bifurcated Terminus. Deep Vein 
Thrombosis. Shi-shashin. A false dilemma can arise intentionally, when a fallacy is used in an 
attempt to force a choice or outcome. The opposite of fallacy is Congealed Corruption.



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