[spectre] Fwd: QUEERING WIKIPEDIA Conference, 21-24 May 2020, in Linz, Austria (CfP)

Željko Blaće zblace at mi2.hr
Wed Feb 12 09:13:56 CET 2020

21-24 May 2020, in Linz, Austria

___Call for proposals!____________________



>From the call:

We invite all Wikimedians, activists, scholars, educators, community
organizers, students, librarians, archivists, record keepers,
knowledge keepers, critical theorists, computer scientists, data
specialists, and creative individuals to network and build
partnerships to consider and use how Wikipedia or other Wikimedia
projects may lift up or diminish Queer populations and their cultural,
historic, and scientific output.

We invite work that offers critical reflections on access to Queer
information, queering open culture, decentering the voices of
privileged groups and empowering the marginalized.

We are interested in work that suggests critical interventions into
tools and traditions that oppress Queer people and Queer information
within Wikimedia projects.

We seek contributions that will describe or construct practices that
challenge entrenched ideas about Wikipedia, the Queer community, the
types of Queer information resources sought after around the world,
cisgender heterosexual involvement in Queer Wikimedia projects and
engagement, and the roles of Queer Wikimedians in regard to supporting
Queer visibility, civil rights and activism.

We are particularly interested in hearing perspectives on Queering
Wikipedia from Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), the
disabled, HIV+ people, sex workers, refugees, addicts in recovery, the
formerly incarcerated, and people from non-English speaking,
non-Western European countries.

We are seeking proposals for presentations, panel discussions,
capacity building workshops, strategy meetings, and team building
sessions that would touch on the following themes:

●      Questioning, challenging, and disrupting cisnormativity,
heteronormativity, and / or homonormativity in Wikimedia projects;

●      Making Wikimedia spaces welcoming, safe and receptive to
everyone’s input through continuous education and systemic

●      Building partnerships, community engagement, and outreach to
Queer communities underrepresented in the Wikimedia movement;

●      Promoting visibility of Queer content creators and Queer
Wikimedia content;

●      Empowering Queer individuals to become Wikimedia contributors
and leaders;

●      Linguistic, cultural, generational, ethnic, and national
diversity among Queer Wikimedians;

●      Emerging Queer Wikimedia projects (ex: queer places in
WikiVoyage, Wiktionary, etc);

●      Collaborations between Wikimedians and libraries, archives,
museums, and community/academic/government projects;

●      Wikidata and challenges of naming and categorizing Queer people
and cultures;

●      The role of the Wikimedia LGBT+ User group;

●      Safety, bullying, and harassment;

●      Peer reviewed research on any of the above topics.
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