[spectre] Spanish translation of Timothy Morton's Realist Magic from Open Humanities Press (OA)

Gary Hall mail at garyhall.info
Mon Mar 23 12:06:35 CET 2020

Dear All,

Open Humanities Press is pleased to announce the publication of a 
Spanish translation of Timothy Morton's Realist Magic (an apposite topic 
perhaps for these difficult times). Like all our books, it is available 
on an open access basis. This publication is part of our continuing 
efforts to branch out beyond English-language texts.

The English-language version is also still available, of course. Please 
see blurbs for both versions below.


Gary, Sigi and David


Timothy Morton: Magia realista

Traducción de Román Suárez, Laureano Ralón


La ontología-orientada a objetos (OOO) nos ofrece una forma novedosa y 
sorprendente de pensar la causalidad que toma en consideración los 
desarrollos de la física que se inician a principios del siglo XX. Para 
la OOO, la causalidad es estética. En este libro, Timothy Morton explora 
lo que significa afirmar que algo advenga a la existencia, que persista, 
y que deje de existir. Tomando ejemplos de la física, la biología, la 
ecología, el arte, la literatura y la música, Morton pone en evidencia 
el poder explicativo elegante, aunque contrario a la intuición, de la 
OOO para explicar cómo opera la causalidad. Traducción a cargo de 
Laureano Ralón y Román Suárez.

Sobre el autor
Timothy Morton ocupa la cátedra Rita Shea Guffey de inglés en la 
Universidad de Rice. Es autor de Ecología oscura: por una lógica de la 
coexistencia futura (2014), Hiperobjetos: filosofía y ecología tras el 
fin del mundo (2013), El pensamiento ecológico (2010) y Ecología sin 
naturaleza (2007), entre otros, además de ochenta artículos sobre 
filosofía, ecología, literatura, alimentación y música. Escribe con 
frecuencia en su blog Ecología sin Naturaleza.


Timothy Morton: Realist Magic

Object-oriented ontology offers a startlingly fresh way to think about 
causality that takes into account developments in physics since 1900. 
Causality, argues, Object Oriented Ontology (OOO), is aesthetic. In this 
book, Timothy Morton explores what it means to say that a thing has come 
into being, that it is persisting, and that it has ended. Drawing from 
examples in physics, biology, ecology, art, literature and music, Morton 
demonstrates the counterintuitive yet elegant explanatory power of OOO 
for thinking causality.


Author Bio
Timothy Morton is Rita Shea Guffey Chair of English at Rice University. 
He is the author of Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence 
(2014), Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World 
(2013), The Ecological Thought (2010), Ecology without Nature (2007), 
seven other books and eighty essays on philosophy, ecology, literature, 
food and music. He blogs regularly at Ecology Without Nature.

Gary Hall
Professor of Media
Director of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Coventry University:

Director of Open Humanities Press: http://www.openhumanitiespress.org
Website http://www.garyhall.info

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