[spectre] transversal texts – constantly updated special issue: Around the Crown

eipcp info info at eipcp.net
Thu Mar 26 20:34:27 CET 2020

Around the Crown

The state measures, the disciplinary and control society effects and the socio-psychological impacts of the corona virus are widely discussed. At the same time, familiar mechanisms of disinformation and fake news are developing in the social media. But what is happening beneath these broad mainstreams, in micro-politics, in collectives, in the social surrounds around the virus? In a series of blog posts, original texts and translations, transversal texts tries to give space to these voices and to promote the debates on social responses to isolation and anti-sociality.



Empieza el siglo XXI: el derecho a vivir
Der Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts: Das Recht auf Leben
The twenty-first century begins: the right to live
Montserrat Galcerán Huguet

To Quarantine from Quarantine: Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe, and “I”
In die Quarantäne aus der Quarantäne: Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe und „Ich“
A la cuarentena de la cuarentena: Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe, y «yo»
Catherine Malabou

Refugees welcome! Don’t shoot! - Stop Europe's Trend Towards Fascism
Aufnehmen statt sterben lassen! - Die Faschisierung Europas stoppen
¡Bienvenidos refugiados! ¡No disparen! - Detener la tendencia de Europa hacia el fascismo 

Politics of struggles in the time of pandemic
Una politica delle lotte in tempi di pandemia
Eine Politik der Kämpfe in Zeiten der Pandemie
Una politica de las luchas en tiempos de pandemia
Sandro Mezzadra

Get the Quacksalber! Or the return of the infamous pillory in the time of digital quarantine 
Dalli all'untore! O del ritorno della colonna infame ai tempi della quarantena digitale
Packt den Giftsalber! Oder: Die Rückkehr der Schandsäule in Zeiten der digitalen Quarantäne
Laboratorio Occupato Morion

The eipcp is supported by: Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien, Wissenschafts- und Forschungsförderung; Foundation for Arts Initiatives



eipcp - european institute for progressive cultural policies
a-1060 vienna, gumpendorfer strasse 63b
a-4040 linz, harruckerstrasse 7

contact at eipcp.net
https://transversal.at | http://www.eipcp.net
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