[spectre] Radia episode 804 : A Winter of Protests

Nicolas Montgermont list at nimon.org
Tue Sep 1 08:39:37 CEST 2020

*A Winter of Protests
Nicolas Montgermont 2020
*Radio creation. 28 minutes

Listen on the radia website:

Last winter, France experienced the longest strike in its modern
history. Launched in opposition to a pension reform project, the
strikers’ demands very quickly joined the sectors already struggling in
a deleterious socio-economic context: health, justice, university,
transport, energy, arts, education and media converged in the streets
with the "gilets jaunes" aka yellow vests that had been demonstrating
and occupying roundabouts for more than a year.

Many alliances were formed: lawyers took up the song of the yellow
vests, strikers from Radio France investigated a strike by cleaning
women, queer collectives defended a striking bus driver fired for
homophobic insult, even artists joined the procession, that preceded the
unions in the streets and formed the majority of the demonstrations.
This social movement is a multitude that agrees on one thing: to get rid
of Macron and his world.

Only the containment due to the coronavirus will put an end to this
political sequence, and the reform will finally be suspended.

This episode of Radia is a subjective attempt to put this moment in
sound. Recordings made during demonstrations, sound creation and
political reflections are mixed to illustrate the bubbling political
atmosphere and sonic environment of this period.

. Judith Butler : « On Demonstrating Precarity » – 2015
. Michel Foucault : « Interview at the Université Catholique of Louvain
» – 1981
. Michel Foucault : « Debate with Noam Chomsky on Human Nature » – 1971
. Hakim Bey : « Waiting for Revolution » in T.A.Z – 1991, read by
Stephanie Boubli & DinahBird

Thanks to : Léa Roger, Méryll Ampe, BSP Barbès, Miliani, Sarah, Lola.

Nicolas Montgermont is a sound and radio artist who explores the
physicality of waves in its different forms. For more than 15 years, he
has been designing artistic devices that explore the poetic essence of
waves: reality in a volume, vibration of materials, richness of
invisible radio landscapes, musicality of interferences, antenna
sculpture, listening and broadcasting territory… and is currently
developing a work on the links between radio-art and politics.

He makes sound performances, installations, records and compositions,
alone or in collaboration (chdh, Art of Failure, Cécile Beau, RYBN, Pali
Meursault…) and participates in several sound and radio creation
collectives (∏node, Yi King Operators, les Sons Fédérés, Jef Klak,
l’Acentrale). His projects have been shown in many art centers, museums,
concert halls and self-managed venues in Europe and elsewhere. He
teaches sound and multimedia creation at the ENS Louis Lumière and at
Paris 8.
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