[spectre] Illusion by Arianna Zampini at the Widget Art Gallery

Chiara Passa chiarapassa at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 17:30:26 CET 2021

 Dear friends & colleagues,

Hope this email finds you well.

I am proud to present "Illusion" , an animated GIF by  Arianna Zampini hosted
by the WAG from December 4th 2021 to February 5th 2022.
For some years the WAG has been pleased to host Academy of Fine Arts
students' GIFs .
The Widget Art Gallery http://www.chiarapassa.it/wag is a Web-App
cross-device, just save the WAG icon on your mobile screen to access it
Since 2008 the Widget Art Gallery is also available under the guise of a
widget for the osx-dashboard. Download it here
WAG's articles, reviews, curiosities, etc. here:

Enjoy the gif-show!
Chiara Passa

About the show

“Illusion” is a gif inspired by Giorgio De Chirico’s concept of Art: Art is
the tool we have to explore the reality beyond the physical world, with all
its complexity, beyond what we see. In this animated gif the WAG becomes
that illusionary space falling apart to show us the potential of reality.
Arianna Zampini has been a B.A. student of Multimedia Art & technologies at
the Fine Arts Academy of Roma.

About the WAG

Due to our needs that seem to be increasingly handheld, the WAG was born in
2008 as OSX Widget and launched as WebApp in 2009! The Widget Art Gallery
is a single art-gallery-room fitting into people's pockets. Every two
months, the WAG hosts a solo digital-art exhibition related to its dynamic
site-specific context.
The WAG works both as a kunsthall showing temporary exhibitions and also as
a museum conserving all the past shows inside an online and dynamic archive
working as a permanent collection.  WebApp: http://www.chiarapassa.it/wag
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