[spectre] Fwd: Urgent Call - Dismantling of Medialab Prado, Madrid

Andreas Broeckmann ab at mikro.in-berlin.de
Mon Mar 1 08:01:44 CET 2021

Betreff: 	<nettime> Urgent Call - Dismantling of Medialab Prado
Datum: 	Sat, 27 Feb 2021 11:12:11 -0600
Von: 	ventolinmono at yahoo.com.mx <ventolinmono at yahoo.com.mx>


The municipality of Madrid is planning to relocate Medialab Prado to an 
underserved place in what seems to be really an effort to dissolve it.
You can read more about this here: https://wearethelab.org/noticias/

And by following https://twitter.com/SaveTheLab

If you know Medialab Prado and have had a memorable experience thanks to 
it, please publish some words or a short video about why you think it's 
important and why it should be strengthened and not put aside or worse 

Also, please sign the manifesto and spread the word >



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