[spectre] New FurtherList No.26 Sept 3rd 2021 |

marc.garrett marc.garrett at protonmail.com
Mon Sep 6 12:35:20 CEST 2021

Sorry for any cross posting...

🌊💥🌬️ New FurtherList No.26 Sept 3rd 2021 |

Compiled by Furtherfield co-founder Marc garrett

Exhibitions, art, events, conferences, books, articles, blogs, interviews |

Across networked communities, web & beyond. Check it out & share beyond silos!


Wishing you all well.



DR Marc Garrett | Exploring Class in Post-digital Cultures and making art real - https://marcgarrett.org/

Furtherfield disrupts & democratises art and technology through exhibitions, labs & debate for deep exploration, free tools & open thinking. http://www.furtherfield.org

DECAL Decentralised Arts Lab is an art, blockchain & web 3.0 technologies research hub for fairer, more dynamic & connected cultural ecologies & economies now - http://decal.is/

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