[spectre] 3rd Virtual Design Education forum

Lefteris Heretakis lefteris at heretakis.com
Mon Sep 27 12:00:26 CEST 2021

Dear All,

I would like to invite you to the  3rd Virtual Design Education forum on the 11th and the 12th of November 2021.

The theme for this year’s Design Education Forum is: “Creativity without a computer, education in the age of Artificial Intelligence.”
How can we solve the Design Education challenges of today in a practical/applicable/direct way? Join the discussion.

This year’s event, following the success of last year’s VDEF20 and ADEF19, bringing specialists from all over the world, to share their teaching experience and their similarities and differences in teaching Art and Design at an international level, while rediscovering the common language of visual communication, and proposing creative, direct and applicable solutions to the many challenges that affect design education today.

The mission of the VDEF21 is to bring together industry, lecturers and students to discover new ways of working together, forging curriculum that is more appropriate for this time. VDEF21 is a practitioner’s conference that seeks solutions that are immediately applicable for the betterment of Art and Design Education as a whole. Participations can take the form of a 10minute video presentation, a workshop, or a panel.

This year’s forum will take place currently online, we are actively looking for collaborations and also looking at the possibility of creating a physical forum, but as of today we are preparing for a virtual one. Sponsorship whether its media or financial would be greatly appreciated.

Our hashtag is: #VDEF21

Tickets and registration: https://hopin.com/events/virtual-design-education-forum-2021
Submission and details: https://newartschool.education/

Join us this November 11th+12th for #VDEF21

To be notified for present and future events of Design Education Forum, you can subscribe here.

Design Education Talks Podcast - An open discussion on art and design education, creativity and design thinking
by designer and lecturer Lefteris Heretakis and the team of the New Art school.

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