[spectre] What would happen if art institutions would work with energy budgets?

Joana Moll freeautomatisms at posteo.net
Thu Sep 30 11:21:39 CEST 2021

Dear all, (apologies for cross-posting)

I'm happy to announce *16/2017*, a new project that forces "Centre
d’Arts Santa Mònica", a major art center in Barcelona, to cut its energy
use by 50% during 4 months. Or in other words: to radically limit the
use of air conditioning, lights and flights among other variables.

16/2017 is named after a law approved by the government of Catalonia in
2017, which, among other things, obliges the government to work with
carbon budgets in order to halve its Co2 emissions by 2030, as stated in
the Paris Agreement. Unfortunately, the Catalan government is
substantially delaying the application of these measures, or in other
words, the law is currently not being applied. Therefore, the artist has
proposed to the Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica to reduce its energy
expenditure by 50% during the four months-long exhibition "Exposar · No
exposar-se · Exposar-se · No exposar" . Thus, the museum will have to
define a self-energy regulation mechanism to avoid exceeding the budget
during the length of the exhibition. Or in other words, all the actors
involved in the exhibition project will have to negotiate new methods of
social interaction to stick to the energy budget.

To achieve this goal, we have set up weekly meetings to negotiate and
define the energy budget of the exhibition, and correct its possible
deviations. These meetings are open to the public, the members of the
management team of the museum, and all those agents involved with the
exhibition. The piece is also built around a mural graph that will be
filled in according to the weekly meetings and their agreements. This
graph will indicate the energy expenditure agreed during the weekly
negotiations, such as how many hours the building’s air conditioning
will work or the number of hours that the exhibition lights will be
turned on, among other variables.

In a context of climate emergency, where the scarcity of resources will
intensify in the coming decades, elaborating proposals capable of
articulating human activities around limited energy resources, is a
necessary exercise to favor new cultural rituals which are more
consistent with our contemporary climatic conditions.

Full PR here: https://janavirgin.com/PR/16_2017_premsa_en.pdf

Exhibition site:

Best wishes,

Joana Moll

Joana Moll

Critical Interface Politics

Institute for the Advancement of Popular Automatisms

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