[spectre] March 8th Global Scream

Anna Krenz krenz at zero-project.org
Fri Mar 3 11:29:00 CET 2023

Dear Friends,

I would like to invite you all, wherever you are, to join us in the Global Scream action on the 8th of March (International Women’s Day). 
Best wishes,
Anna Krenz
Dziewuchy Berlin | www.dziewuchyberlin.org <http://www.dziewuchyberlin.org/>
Sinus 3 | www.sinus3.com <http://www.sinus3.com/> 

Global Scream / Aufschrei Global / Globalny Krzyk / El Grito Global

join us for the yearly traditional Global Scream on International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2023.
Wherever we are, whoever we are, whatever we believe in, we stand together in this shit. In all corners of the Globe, we fight for (basically) the same – freedom, women’s rights and justice. We can smash the patriarchy if we do it together.
We can change the World, from small steps, to big decisions and actions, from local voices to global choir.
In the post-pandemic world, torn by wars and conflicts, death and guns, borders and violence, capitalism and dictatorships, we all have similar problems, demands and agendas. Not always the same, but this variety is our strength. We are similar, we are different, we have the power! Women of the World, unite!
Once again, in order to unite us symbolically on a local and global scale, we are carrying out an action to which you are all cordially invited: at the same hour, we will scream for one minute.
Global Scream is a woman’s cry of rage, anger, grief – each of us knows these emotions, even if their causes are different. And any person can scream. We don’t even have to speak the same language to become one voice. The voice of women*.
Screaming becomes a kind of catharsis that releases emotions. Physically, screaming transforms our negative emotions into positive ones, and oxygen releases power and energy.
We are women*, we are angry, we are loud and we do not give up! Together!
Imagine – all over the city, on that day, you will hear a woman’s scream. When other countries join in, the wave of our voices will circle the planet, according to the change of time zones.
You can shout in a group, but also alone. 

We introduced #GlobalScream in 2019 in Berlin, as an attempt to unify the divided feminist scene. It worked back then, at least for a minute. The action took place in Berlin and other German cities, in some places in Poland, Denmark, Belgium or West Africa. In Berlin alone, 25,000 people were screaming. 

Global Scream will take place on March 8, 2023, International Women’s Day at a designated time of 4 p.m. (Berlin), or 6 p.m. – depending on your ability and plans for the day. 

It’s just a minute for a woman, but a global scream for the women of the world! Let our diverse voices join together in one powerful scream.
We will be loud!
Join us!
Let us know about your local event in a comment or message.
Dziewuchy Berlin
Contact: info at dziewuchyberlin.org
*When we write “women*” we mean people who identify or who read as women, which includes, but is not limited to, women, gay women, intern, non-binary, and trans* people.

Herstory, meaning and origin of the artistic and political action “Global Scream” (in Polish and English):
https://www.dziewuchyberlin.org/herstoria-wspolczesna-o-global-scream/ <https://www.dziewuchyberlin.org/herstoria-wspolczesna-o-global-scream/>
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